I just read My Name Lon, You Like Me? which is a tell all from a Thai girl whore.
It is a real eye opener, even for someone like me who has met more than my fair share of Thais who treat me as a walking ATM.
The question I have is about the Thai's family.
In the book My Name Lon, it is made clear that Thai women are usually exploited much more than the Thai men to bring in money to their families, and that for a Thai girl whore marrying a farang is like winning the lottery for such wonderful families.

We have all seen the straight farang being sucked dry by Thai women and their families.
My question is, is such total devotion to becoming an income stream for a troupe of parasites usually expected also when in a committed relationship with a Thai male? Or are such (in my opinion) scam relationships much less common because of the different roles of men versus women in Thai society?