Many of you guys give warnings on meeting guys on GayRomeo. Let me add to the warnings! I met a guy from GayRomeo on my 2nd day here. We went back to my room and had sex a few times. In 2 hours time he proceeded to have 3 separate orgasms. He left my bed to shower and dress. Before he left he removed his clothes and had sex again and would not stop until he had 3 more separate orgasms! On the last one he almost got it in my eye! That's DANGEROUS!

Now he calls me wanting more! I am too weak to say no. :rolling:

Now when I go out to the bars, I look at the guys on stage and know that they are not going to stick around for 6 orgasms. They are going to be One and done... Wham! Bam! Pay me man! :sex:

But the guy from Romeo was not free. I did feed him and he was going to take the BTS to go home before work but I gave him some baht to take a taxi so he would not be late for work.