For an HIV+ man to have inseminated and HIV- woman and conceived two HIV- children is a miracle. His sperm, HIV+ of course uniting with an HIV- egg, not once but twice is worthy of close scientific study. The assumption is that, the sperm still alive at fertilization was uninfected or for that matter cured of HIV virus by the egg or possibly something else in the reproductive tract.

Quote Originally Posted by sanook
Western reseach has for sometime now concluded that HIV treatment with anti-viral medication should commence when the CD4 count is at around 350 copies, some researchers are now suggesting at 500 copies but that is still being debated. Once the count drops below 200 illness can and does occur leading in some cases to death. A person who has access to the right drugs and starts taking them at the correct time can in most cases lead a normal life........ :cheers:
The side effects from anti viral medications were quite severe not all that long ago. So bad they were that people were giving up on the medications opting to die from AIDS related complications instead. When it comes to research, this is where most of the real gains have been made. The side effects from the new anti viral treatments for people just starting to take treatment are much milder now. This is why there is discussion now around starting the treatments sooner. The premise is that if you delay treatment until the CD4 count is too low, the immune system could become irreparably damaged or leave the patient vulnerable to infection. Viral load counts and CD4 counts should probably be done every 3 to 6 months after infection.

Once treatment starts, the viral load count can drop to the point of being undetectable for some for 20 or more years. Since the disease has only been around since the early-eighties and with improvements to anti viral treatments, this could stretch much farther than that. LetтАЩs hope so!