Financial prognosticators scrutinizing China's and Korea's activities are decades behind travelers who have always found Asia compelling, if often hard to comprehend. Here are some of the best resources we've encountered recently.

"Utopia Guide to Asia," edited by John Goss (, $29.88, 424 pages). This title, sixth in a series from a prominent social organization for gays and lesbians in Asia, offers some of the most specific and pragmatic information available, from lodging, restaurants and bookshops to places where travelers can meet local gays and lesbians or find AIDS/HIV resources.

It culls "best of" listings from earlier Utopia guides to China, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, and Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. The addition of Mongolia, Nepal, the Philippines and Sri Lanka results in an encyclopedic resource for gay and lesbian travelers.

The book focuses strictly on the gay scene, assuming that readers will do their homework with a good general guide. Despite a smattering of ads playing up washboard abs or mounds of soap suds, Utopia's declared purpose is positive alternatives, so listings steer clear of prostitutes and pornography. The book describes bars, discos, cabarets and spas, noting whether the place is gay friendly, gay only or mixed.

Comments from Utopia members enliven the listings enormously ("It's a straight place, but lately not that straight," "On the side of the temple, in the afternoons, some men are always there to meet other men," "Beware of hustlers in Rizal Park.")

Country sections begin with cultural tips and attitudes toward homosexuality, including advisories when appropriate. Even where homosexuality is under wraps or even illegal -- Laos, Malaysia, Burma, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam -- these resources can lead to a good time for visitors who respect local customs.

As with many resources for gays and lesbians, information is skewed toward gay men. This one, though, includes a chapter for women with nearly 40 pages of general information, women's nights at clubs, organizations and Internet links, organized by country and city.

"Southeast Asia on a Shoestring," by China Williams et al. (Lonely Planet, $25.99, 1,004 pages). This book is 12 editions removed from Lonely Planet's original "Shoestring" guides for seriously budget-challenged backpackers aiming to see as much as possible for as little money as possible.

The voluminous guide has picked up a few tricks from the publisher's ever-evolving lineup of regional, country, city and "best of" guides and city maps, which have expanded to already well-charted destinations and scooped in adventurous, culturally aware travelers who just happen to have money.

This shoestring guide is endowed with "Highlights," the 14 authors' picks for best beaches and dive spots, natural and architectural wonders, cities, dining and out-of-the-way places from Burma to East Timor. It also offers itineraries of adaptable lengths in mainland and oceanic Southeast Asia and the Mekong River.

Still, it covers 10 countries, so the phrase guide and glossary are necessarily cursory, and the entire book is pared to essentials, lacking the depth of detail, color photos and two-color graphics found in some of the Lonely Planet pantheon.

Tidbits in margins or text boxes range from quick info bites (departure taxes, border crossings, telephone codes, address numbering systems) to random factoids (Brunei's cattle station in Australia is larger than Brunei itself), advisories (safety alerts, scams, cultural proscriptions) and rumors (an unnamed airline is paying a political party to stall road upgrades between Cambodia's Siem Reap and the Thai border).

The tidbits occasionally grow into features outlining, for example, the Temples of Bagan in Burma (Myanmar), safety tips for kayaking the Mekong, local delicacies, the geography of Bangkok's sex tourism, trekking among hill tribes and Vietnamese restaurants with a social agenda.

Recurring "Splurge!" boxes suggesting higher-priced lodging and its dearth of local transportation options indicate this classically budget-oriented series' nod to travelers with more wherewithal. All is delivered in Lonely Planet's trademark preachy but informative style with basic listings.

"Frommer's Vietnam," by Charles Agar (Wiley, $21.99, 502 pages). This title, one of the first in Frommer's revamped series, is a departure for the name that has become synonymous with budget travel. It's Frommer's first Vietnam guide, though Agar contributed to the publisher's earlier Southeast Asia guide.

No penny-pinching agenda is evident here; in fact, Chapter 1 ("The Best of Vietnam") touts the 10 top luxury lodgings. But listings span the range from expensive to budget, and the brighter, more sophisticated design and graphics serve the text well. The maps, in particular, are among the most legible I've seen. The introductory "What's New" section details new attractions, lodging, restaurants and other travel developments.

One of the book's best attributes is its wealth of features offering advice on such varied topics as packing, riding a motorbike, the best authentic local fare, visiting hill tribes, the origin of Halong's karst outcroppings or a profile of the private Ho Chi Minh, Saigon's sidewalk beer stalls and revisiting the My Lai massacre. Shorter inserts, labeled "Finds," "Fun Fact" and "Overrated," among others, point to deals, insider advice and memorable experiences.

Info boxes appear in virtually every guidebook these days, but, in this case, their stature is equal to that of the informational listings. The result suggests that's the way it should be.

Also on bookshelves

"Trans-Siberian Railway," by Simon Richmond et al. (Lonely Planet, $19.99, 368 pages). Second edition of guide to the classic, 1,600-mile train odyssey. (Note: Lonely Planet has updated city guides to Tokyo, Seoul and Singapore this year and just issued an updated Sri Lanka guide.)

"Culture Smart! Indonesia," by Graham Saunders (Graphic Arts Center Publishing, $9.95, 168 pages). This "Quick Guide to Customs and Etiquette" is the latest in a series dedicated to avoiding unwitting gaffes; other Asia titles include China, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea and the Philippines.

"Old Kyoto," by Diane Durston (Kodansha, $22, 244 pages). Twentieth anniversary edition of the classic travel guide to traditional inns and old shops that preserve the imperial city's old way of life -- an evergreen, republished last year

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