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Thread: Copa Bar visit

  1. #1
    Senior member Chuai-Duai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Copa Bar visit

    I went to the "Copa Bar" in Pattaya for the first time last night. The first impression was of a strong smell of chrorine from the tank at the back of the stage.

    There were about a dozen Go Go Boys who circulated quite quickly but none appealed to me. Then an announcement proclaimed "The only underwater erotic show in Thailand". Four guys in speedos then swam around in the tank which was novel at first but soon lost its interest. It wasn't remotely "erotic".

    After a fifeteen minute break there was a tiresome lip-sync caberet. Why anyone finds drag queens miming to some awful "diva" song is totally beyond me. It only gets worse when there's a sequence that's meant to be funny. In some cases at Copa I wasn't sure which was meant to be which.

    It's an impressive bar but a wasted opportunity given the facitities available.

    On a positive note the toilets were spotless and I wasn't pestered by a mamasan. My orange juice was 160 baht.

    Earlier in the day I'd had a massage at the place that's next to and connected to the Copa Bar and that was excellent.

  2. #2
    Senior member zinzone's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Copa Bar visit

    A few months back I went to Copa and my impression was the owners spent multi millions in baht for the facilities yet the dancers were of such low quality they would not be worth 5 baht per one.
    My question to the owners of Copa is:
    If you can spend so much money on the place why not do some quality control for the go go boys and pay to get some decent ones as the current crop are generally sub-standard?

  3. #3

    Re: Copa Bar visit

    What would you do with it then? Also, Pattaya Police do not tolerate any kind of sex shows, so what else are the swimmers supposed to do? other than swim. Personally I find it very relaxing to watch, not something that my local pub provides! as for the show, out of the 4 bars that do them, I would say there's is just about better than The Venues, simply because they smile much more, and actually appear to enjoy what they are doing, but for 3 pounds (drink) for a couple of hours entertainment, where else would you find that?

  4. #4

    Re: Copa Bar visit

    I think there is little doubt that the quality of the Carbaret show has gone downhill since the new owners took over some years ago. There is little original or new - although thank f**k I haven't seen that bloody DOG for a while!
    Having said that, the dancers do their best (they are NOT professionals - some/most of the boys are ex-gogo) and it is grossly unfair to say "they are not worth 5 baht" - I would like(?) to see Zinzone's dancing skills. All in all I would say that, in my opinion, the Copa show is reasonably entertaining.

    I agree with Chuai-Duai who said he doesn't find the underwater show erotic in the least - nor do I. It does have a certain novelty value when you first see it, but that has worn off by the second viewing unless maybe your dementia is so far advanced you don't recall seeing it an hour before.

    I guess I would sum up Copa's offering by saying that it is value for money given that there are plenty of venues with higher prices, offering appalling standards of accomodation and hygiene, and no attempt at entertainment at all.

    :hello1: :hello1: :hello1:

  5. #5
    Senior member zinzone's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Copa Bar visit

    Quote Originally Posted by scottish-guy
    I think there is little doubt that the quality of the Carbaret show has gone downhill since the new owners took over some years ago. There is little original or new - although thank f**k I haven't seen that bloody DOG for a while!
    Having said that, the dancers do their best (they are NOT professionals - some/most of the boys are ex-gogo) and it is grossly unfair to say "they are not worth 5 baht" - I would like(?) to see Zinzone's dancing skills. All in all I would say that, in my opinion, the Copa show is reasonably entertaining.

    I agree with Chuai-Duai who said he doesn't find the underwater show erotic in the least - nor do I. It does have a certain novelty value when you first see it, but that has worn off by the second viewing unless maybe your dementia is so far advanced you don't recall seeing it an hour before.

    I guess I would sum up Copa's offering by saying that it is value for money given that there are plenty of venues with higher prices, offering appalling standards of accomodation and hygiene, and no attempt at entertainment at all.

    :hello1: :hello1: :hello1:

    When I mentioned the dancers not worth 5 baht I was referring to the go go dancers not the show dancers so I now correct that. I did not stay for the show indeed I did not even stay for a drink as when i sat down and saw the low quality of the go go dancers I left immediately. I repeat my claim that the go go dancers are not worth 5 baht.

  6. #6

    Re: Copa Bar visit

    Quote Originally Posted by zinzone
    When I mentioned the dancers not worth 5 baht I was referring to the go go dancers not the show dancers so I now correct that.
    Fair enough - beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.

    :hello1: :hello1:

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Copa Bar visit

    Place looks great but show is useless and totally amateur, and the gogo boys are some of the worst in Pattaya.
    I ventured there many times giving them time to get their act together but at those prices, there are better bars, better shows and better prices elsewhere.
    What a waste of a good location, but boyztown has been going downhill for awhile....it's a shame really.

  8. #8

    Re: Copa Bar visit

    Quote Originally Posted by blueboy
    ...there are better bars, better shows and better prices elsewhere...

    I'm not necessarily disagreeing - but could you give me, say, 3 examples of the above - in Pattaya?

    :happy7: :happy7: :happy7: :happy7:

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Copa Bar visit

    1. The Venue - better shows and cheaper drinks
    2. A-Bomb - better boys
    3. Krazy dragon - better boys and cheaper drinks
    Shows are also aplenty 2 sois away from BBB, sometimes with katoeys and sometimes raunchy, you also have the late night shows at Nab.

  10. #10

    Re: Copa Bar visit

    If you dislike the place so much, why do continue to go there. If you do want to see "professional dancers" you can always pay 5,000 Baht and go and see a show in Bkk. They recently had West End productions of Chicago & Mama Mia, which were very good. However, like most things, you pays your money, and you take your choice. You are joking about the quality of the Krazy Dragon boys?

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