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Thread: Copa Rant

  1. #1
    Senior member
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    Copa Rant

    Ok for many years i have als been a strong supporter of the former Throb/Splash and now Copa Show -- others have dissed it in the past but i als was loyal to it
    I still believe what they do is quite good ,the shows are more proffessional than others ,-- the show varies from night to night and they take what they do seriously ,its als entertaing

    That is until tonight --i dropped in for the first time in a while (when i stayed at mosaik i would go there 3/4 times a week before going out further )
    I was having dinner at Cuisine de buerre(beside Tukom) and it was getting late ,some friends were eating at Wat Chai market and i said to them lets meet up at Copa show before going home
    So i was there first -(the rest -3 of them ,in typical thai fashion were late ) --show was same as before ,not everybodys cup of tea maye but still its not a bad
    way to pass 40 min on a tue evening
    Then i got the bill for my drink (the others were too late for show so were waiting for me outside )--- 190 b for a little gin tonic -- and as i looked around i noticed all short drinks were in the same small glass !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bloody ridiculous now --in the past 1 drink was 160/170 --so u gave the waiter (or i did ) 200 and left the rest as tip--- in all fairness i could not leave the waiter 10 tip from the change of 200 -- so had to pull out another 20 to give him--- and all for a LITTLE glass of gin tonic grrrrr

    Show was reasonalbly full - but like most all left when the show finished

    Then the go go boys came on stage -------- 10/12 flabby out of shape guys , some there many years --- i could not get out of the place fast enough !!!

    I was just so glad my Thai pals had not come early enough that i didnt have to fork out the bones of 1000b for 4 of us to have 1 drink each and watch the show !!!!!!!!!!
    I am not suprised boytown is like a ghosttown --
    After there i went to sunne ,dropped into Good boys --for the simple reason i had not been there in 6 months or so --- there i got a g/t that was 2,5 times the size of what i got in Copa for 150b --i didnt stay long ,place still full of young poochai guys trying to get hard looking at porn on their mob phones
    ! guy there caught me eye --- biggest member ive seen in a long time ,nearly bigger than his arm,and shy looking also --name oui !!!

    Then dropped into YaYa --- cocktail of month was Mai Tai at 100b,value for sure --

    G our mutual friend "sab" sat with me while i was there --- he had spent 1.5 hours with this drunken guy from Quebec-- for the guy to give him 20 bhat tip --the guy was so drunk he could hardly stand --paid 140 for the beer he had nursed for the time he was there -- gave 1000 bill note to pay checkbin and gave the boy 20 b ------------- cheapskate !!!!!!!!!!

    But sunne was a hive of activity at 12 midnight on a tue nite -------------- about time the guys in boytown saw past the end of their noses !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Rant over !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now i Am watching 2 thai guys (T and Sun ) sitting on the floor trying to do a jigsaw (which i never saw them attempt before) --of the great wall of China -- 1 hour + in and they have only found 1 corner piece !!!--- but the laughs when one picks up a piece and the other chastises him for not picking up what is needed --------Fucking PRICELESS !!!!!!!!!!!!
    I think il join them ,havent done a jigsaw in years --- but it looks like fun !!

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran arsenal's Avatar
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    Re: Copa Rant

    I have always found /Throb/Splash/Copa to be a terrible place, overpriced and boring as hell. I say the same for BBB.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Copa Rant

    I stopped going to both Copa/throb and BBB a good while back as too overpriced compared to other bars - what I could never understand was that I would sit at either Panorama or Oscars enjoying a hundred baht drink and seeing the verandah's of BBB and Copa as empty. I am sure that if those two bars had dropped prices from their 160 baht glass of cola (thats now about ┬г3), they may have generated a bit more business?

  4. #4
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    Re: Copa Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by thanatorn
    I stopped going to both Copa/throb and BBB a good while back as too overpriced compared to other bars - what I could never understand was that I would sit at either Panorama or Oscars enjoying a hundred baht drink and seeing the verandah's of BBB and Copa as empty. I am sure that if those two bars had dropped prices from their 160 baht glass of cola (thats now about ┬г3), they may have generated a bit more business?

    I get your point a above re the showars--- i dont know anything about BBB because i wouldnt go it inside in years --- but although the verandas of Copa might be quiet it was normally different inside ---with plenty of customers////good selection of boys etc

    And the shows were usually good --

    but to have to pay 190(+tip) for a very small glass of spirits -- foolish ----------

  5. #5
    Senior member anonone's Avatar
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    Re: Copa Rant

    I used to be a big fan of Copa, but have not enjoyed it nearly as much of late. I am having a hard time putting my finger on the specifics, but I don't think the shows have been as good lately. Maybe it is just the overall energy of the show. The performers don't even look like they are enjoying it / having fun anymore. And I agree that there are much better bar choices for gogo dancers, both quality and quantity. I was one of many that tended to bail right after the show was over.

    I refer to the cabaret show, not the water show. But come to think of it, does anyone like the underwater show? I have visited a couple times and just happened to catch some of it. Hardly any customers in attendance and just boring. Does anyone like this show?

    The price of a drink is not usually a major concern with me. When I visit, it is for a much-too-short holiday and I am there to have fun. I don't mind paying 180/200 Baht for a drink if the place is worth it (atmosphere, guys, energy, fun).

    Wild West Boys has become my new favorite show. Much more energy and fun than Copa. Any other suggestions for a show worth checking out?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Copa Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by martin911
    190 b for a little gin tonic -- and as i looked around i noticed all short drinks were in the same small glass !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bloody ridiculous now
    I got the same bad impression in regard to drink prices when I visited this bar in September this year. All beers (incl Leo!) 190 B, "non-premium" spritis 190 B, premium spirits (e.g. JW Black) 200 B, soft drink 180B (!), cocktails 250B (I did not have one, but compared to Leo for 190 B or a Coke for 180 B this seems OK; but maybe the cocktaisl are not up to standard?

    Quote Originally Posted by martin911
    Then the go go boys came on stage -------- 10/12 flabby out of shape guys , some there many years --- i could not get out of the place fast enough !!!
    When I was there the selection of "boys" was incredibly bad. Too old, out of shape, katoeys, ... but not a single handsome lad. First there were 2 "dancers" on stage, later on 4. No other guys in sight.
    Besides me there were only 2 other customers.

    Quote Originally Posted by anonone
    The price of a drink is not usually a major concern with me. When I visit, it is for a much-too-short holiday and I am there to have fun. I don't mind paying 180/200 Baht for a drink if the place is worth it (atmosphere, guys, energy, fun).
    Although I would not be happy to pay such prices, I might be able to accept them for the cursory visit if the guys were handsome & nice. But as the later part of the equation is not fulfilled, I have to give Copa an F.

    Quote Originally Posted by anonone
    Wild West Boys has become my new favorite show. Much more energy and fun than Copa. Any other suggestions for a show worth checking out?
    The show boys might be of a different "quality", but when I saw the gogo boys working there in September I was not impressed at all. Mostly katoeys and not a single handsome lad.

  7. #7

    Re: Copa Rant

    Its been a few months since I have visited my freinds Glenn and Peter at the Copa but I do have to say that the nite some of my boys and I did go the place was almost totally full and there were many boys. as far to my liking? Well everyone has different tastes. Prices? Well I understand that several of the bars on Soi 3 have big shows and need the added income to pay for their shows. Seriously, I am not playing favorites or friends, I am telling you what I personally like. I always liked A Bomb because they had my type of boys. I really liked several of the boys at Funny Boys and offed them quite regularly but the ones I liked now work at another bar and I haven't experienced FB in quite some time. I like Ross the mamasan and the owners. Hmmm mabe I will take a wander tonite.

  8. #8
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    Re: Copa Rant

    Yes have to agree that choice of boys in both Copa and WWB was not great in August/Septyember - hopefully now improved as its high season.Having said that Happy Place and Funny Boys still had a good standard, which I hope is still the case arty

  9. #9
    Forum's veteran Marsilius's Avatar
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    Re: Copa Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by justme
    Prices? Well I understand that several of the bars on Soi 3 have big shows and need the added income to pay for their shows.
    But the real question is how to generate that "added income"...

    in order to maximise the income at your own bar, justme, you choose to keep prices low in the expectation that the lower profit per drink will be more than compensated for by the increase in the number of drinks sold to increased customer numbers.

    Your friends, on the other hand, appear to subscribe to the idiosyncratic Thai theory of economics, whereby you raise prices to compensate for inadequate income and so risk driving existing customers away.

    This thread would appear to show that your Keynsian western economic model is the one that works in practice, so perhaps you need to have a word in your friends' ears...
    "The fruits of peace and tranquility... are the greatest goods... while those of its opposite, strife, are unbearable evils. Hence we ought to wish for peace, to seek it if we do not already have it, to conserve it once it is attained, and to repel with all our strength the strife which is opposed to it. To this end individual[s]... and in even greater degree groups and communities are obliged to help one another... from the bond or law of human society." [Marsilio dei Mainardini (c.1275-1342), Defensor Pacis]

  10. #10
    Senior member
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    Re: Copa Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by Marsilius
    Quote Originally Posted by justme
    Prices? Well I understand that several of the bars on Soi 3 have big shows and need the added income to pay for their shows.

    This thread would appear to show that your Keynsian western economic model is the one that works in practice ...
    The idea behind Western Keynsian model is that the state should borrow in times of economic crisis and use the funds to stimulate the economy... Well, the examples of Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, US , Argentina, Iceland... seem to confirm the total failure of this model. Are you suggesting that some of the bar owners borrow money to subsidize the customers during these difficult times? Well, let me tell you something: if they do then they are well on their way to transform a big fortune in a much smaller one... The only way to run profitabe business in Thailand is to provide the best value for customers money. The idea that you can sell bullshit (even for cheaper price) will never work in Thailand where the competition is so high (especially in places like Pattaya).

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