Oh yeah I get that bit :-) but I've read on a few other (dating) sites people saying things in their "ads" like "definitely no money boys, but bar boy ok" - and some other people saying really horrible things about money boys but not anyone else ? surely it's all just same - same but NO different :-) ! and people are just deluding themselves ? - and likewise re the taxi boy saga, personally I'm happy with an up front "I'm a money boy" line and then everyone knows where they stand ! :-)....because as you say the one thing you know is that they are going to go home that little bit better off and you on the other hand are not ! - well financially speaking anyway :-)......although ( nearly always ) worth every penny if you ask me no matter what they wish to call themselves ! :-) So, is there a subtle difference like a bar boy is happy to sit in a bar (drinking) all night with you ( with you paying of course ) and then go home whereas a money boy is just all about down to business and move on etc perhaps ????