I'll start a new thread as I obviously overreacted to previous posts about my boyfriend's eyes and made a mess of my reply. If I misinterpreted some replies as hostile then I apologise. I've not revisited that thread and nor will I now.

I was under the extreme stress of trying to get news when my only contact was my boyfriend who was blind and using his mobile was difficult for him to say the least. If he has information to relay to me the easiest way is usually via a text when he can copy English details etc which he can't actually read out to me. This has become impossible for him as he can't even see his mobile.

He's still in the hospital where he was first taken which is not his normal HIV clinic. He's also still unable to see except for blurred images in subdued light. He will probably be there for at least another week and it could be two more weeks beyond that before it's clear if his sight will recover or how badly it's been effected.

Tests suggest that there isn't permanent damage but a constant discharge from both eyes is making a definite answer impossible at the moment. His eyes are cleaned and medicine given every four hours. He's no longer being put on an intravenous drip.

Through all this his mother has done her best to help but she is not well herself and finds travelling from Ratchaburi to Bangkok very tiring. His father died around six years ago. All his family know about me and it isn't a problem but I have to be careful in how far I try to interfere as I'm still a "Farang" and I'm not actually there except for a few weeks a year.

In some ways he's lucky in that he does get the support from relatives that many HIV+ Thais are denied. My boyfriend has made many friends in hospitals only to see them die and then for him to be the only one at the funeral. I can't risk interfering with that family care and support and can't just "take over" from the UK.

His CD4 count remains at a much higher level than was the case a few months ago so hopefully his body is able to fight this infection as well as the drugs. He continues to insist "Me stong" (I'm strong) and his main complaint at the moment is that he is given showers by a woman "Me shy my body!". He's also very bored but does seem to have finally accepted that he must stay where he is as long as the doctor tells him to. A very big worry was that he was going to discharge himself which even with no sight at all I wouldn't have put past him.

So still early days and the final outcome is uncertain but he remains optimistic and his sense of humour, which deserted him for a while, has returned which is always a good sign.