I see a lot of farang complain about the heat in Thailand.Some say they cant stand the 35 degree heat etc. I love the heat in Thailand.Yesterday the temp in Sydney was 36,a week before a stifling 46 with the power company losing electricity so no one could have their air cond n.When it gets over 40 degrees here problems such as trains,electricity etc stop running.Today is about 32 degrees .I hate the heat here but love the heat in Thailand.Here in Australia its so dry,a dry scorching burning heat.
As in Thailand its a wet cool heat.Even the wind here in Sydney is hot.
Does the heat bother you? I lov the cold and rain,but we rarely have it.
I have never seen snow or touched it so i hope to see it one day.
Yes i can live in Thailands heat,even though its different.
I find im constantly sweating in Thailand,but here in Australia it can be 40 degrees but im not over sweating like in Thailand because its a burning dry heat that causes skin cancer.I hear a lot of farang tell me in Thailand"oh i cant stand this heat" and i often wonder where they come from.Even right now its about 30 degrees and too hot for me to go out and mow the lawn,yes i know its a good excuse.