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Thread: No Let Up For The Heat In Pattaya

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran Manforallseasons's Avatar
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    Oct 2011

    No Let Up For The Heat In Pattaya

    I've lived here for over a decade and I find the older I get the less I can tolerate the heat, rain at the moment is very infrequent and the days are mostly cloud free. If I were a visitor and had an option I wouldn't come at the moment, hopefully when the rains come however short their duration it should help.

    "In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king"

  2. #2
    Member oldfarang's Avatar
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    May 2015

    Re: No Let Up For The Heat In Pattaya

    There are plenty of good tips to stay a little cooler in this hot weather.

    Of course the aircon, but personally I dislike them and almost never use them, not even now in Thailand.
    Try and stay away from cold drinks. Yes a cold beer or ice water taste great, but it is better to drink a cup of hot tea or something. Research Google, if you want to know why.
    Third here in Thailand most 7/11 and Family shops have the lovely wet towels for instant refreshment. Usually they are 12 to 27 baht depending on size. They are called "pah yin" and are nice when walking outside for a good instant cool off and refreshing.
    A few showers a day to feel refreshed, does wonders.
    [B][COLOR=#0000ff][SIZE=3]Life has no remote.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=3]Get up and change it yourself.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: No Let Up For The Heat In Pattaya

    It's time for mad dogs and Englishmen. B-) .

  4. #4
    Senior member
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    Re: No Let Up For The Heat In Pattaya

    Quote Originally Posted by catawampuscat
    It's time for mad dogs and Englishmen. B-) .
    Your being a Quiet American Gentleman can you tell the difference....sorry but the bloody cat jumped on my keyboard and caused a premature posting...EDIT........on soi Buacau at 3 am?

  5. #5
    Forum's veteran joe552's Avatar
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    Re: No Let Up For The Heat In Pattaya

    It's hot in Thailand? Jeez, who'd have thunk it?
    Hitchhiking's more of a challenge on the road less travelled.

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran Smiles's Avatar
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    Hua Hin, Thailand

    Re: No Let Up For The Heat In Pattaya

    Quote Originally Posted by Manforallseasons
    " ... I've lived here for over a decade and I find the older I get the less I can tolerate the heat ... "
    Interesting you mention that . . . I am exactly the opposite.
    I've been coming to Thailand from 2000 to 2006, and now have been living in Thailand since 2007. In the beginning I couldn't stand the heat and tried my best to walk in the shade and shadows as best I could, and hated the sweaty clothes and having to change my underwear three times a day.
    But now, I'm reasonably acclimatised, and have been for many years. The sweat bothers my hardly at all now (but I do thank christ for those those cold cotton towels sold in every 7-11 in Thailand ~ also mentioned above by OldFarang), and I have a drawer filled to over-brimming with Calvin Klein and Everlast underwear. I still change t-shirts twice a day ... but now it's simply second nature rather than an annoyance. Cold showers whenever I feel like it.
    But I can take the heat now: walk miles in it, run in it, bicycle in it. I would have never have thought to do that years ago.

    Now, when I come back to Canada, the cold gets to me deep in the bone and I always seem to be wearing twice the weight of sweaters and coats than other folks walking the streets.
    Just another reason why I love living in Thailand

  7. #7

    Re: No Let Up For The Heat In Pattaya

    I am jealous at your guys who live there. I wish I could already retire from work. Sadly I am of a generation who has to work till age 67. Many of your generation could already retire around 55-57. At least in my country, the Netherlands. That luck is not in place for people from my generation.

    So we can now draw 4 conclusions:
    1) My generation (start of 40s) got the age of buying a house when the house prizes were at the highest

    2) My generation - when you are gay - now has the age to go for sex tourism to Thailand (20 and 30 year olds you do not see in gogo bars and beer bars). And guess what: exactly at this moment, when I have finally the age, it is going down (if I have to believe your words), and not as good anymore as it was. So also here I have bad luck

    3) I can not retire before age 67

    4) My generation has to experience the downfall of the West as economic power and the rise of the East. My generation is the first in the West since hundreds of years who will have it financially worse than the previous generation! (Your guys had it better than your parents, who had it better than their parents etc etc; this 'law' stops with me!!).

    Do your guys realise your luck? Retire early? Etc etc. Life is unfair. :-)

  8. #8
    Forum's veteran
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    the moon

    Re: No Let Up For The Heat In Pattaya

    Quote Originally Posted by thaiguest
    Quote Originally Posted by catawampuscat
    It's time for mad dogs and Englishmen. B-) .
    Your being a Quiet American Gentleman can you tell the difference....sorry but the bloody cat jumped on my keyboard and caused a premature posting...EDIT........on soi Buacau at 3 am?

    Now I am really getting interested in finding more about soi Buacau

  9. #9
    Forum's veteran
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    the moon

    Re: No Let Up For The Heat In Pattaya

    Quote Originally Posted by Goosood
    At least in my country, the Netherlands. That luck is not in place for people from my generation.
    And now Dutch stamjumpen is no more?
    Hot Dutch boys jumping to hardstyle music on YouTube videos I had so much respect for.

  10. #10
    Forum's veteran francois's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: No Let Up For The Heat In Pattaya

    Quote Originally Posted by Goosood
    Do your guys realise your luck? Retire early? Etc etc. Life is unfair. :-)
    Yes I do realize I was lucky to buy a house when cheap and sell when expensive, retire in my early 50s, come to Thailand when it was more active and find a wonderful boyfriend and even hope to have a few more years before the sun finally sets.

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