Thai Government Advice : Don't have sex on Valentine's Day, go to temple instead -

Thai Government officials have urged youths to forgo sex on Valentine's Day and go to the temple instead. The appeal was made out of concern for the high HIV rate among gay men and the country's teenage pregnancy rate, which is the highest in southeast Asia. In the capital, HIV prevalence in men who have sex with men stood at 30% in 2013, which is comparable to AIDS hotspots in Africa. ... IkiM6.dpuf

Yeah - good luck with that ! - They might have had more luck if they tried - " just get your BF to take you shopping to MBK for the day instead" perhaps ! :-)

On a slightly more serious note though sad to see Bkk now being quoted as an HIV hotspot equivalent and equal to Africa though and a figure of 30% of MSM in Bkk believed to be HIV + etc :-( - A reminder if we need it to "take care".

Actually only this week I was sent two (sex) video clips by Thai bar boy friend that I know who I know is HIV+ of him showing off his "getting well fucked" skills ( his choice to send not my request !lol) and I was a little shocked and surprised to note that the two white guys fucking him on different days in the videos were both fucking him bareback and pointed this out to him and he simply said 1) It ok I bottomed so not much less to farang and 2) no, it ok as farang say they take Prep pill before they fuck me so no problem"- neither of which is anywhere near 100% correct of course.

I can only assume the farang KNEW the risks they were taking and just didn't care, but it was a good reminder that anyone of of us could be "next" with my friend and thus it's always wise to wrap up no matter what new pills are on the market claiming to be the next wonder drug against HIV never mind the host of other STI's that are kicking about out there these days ! :-( ... gays210713