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Thread: How to get to Tiger Temple from Bangkok?

  1. #1
    Senior member
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    How to get to Tiger Temple from Bangkok?


    Its me again!! HAHAH

    I will be making a trip down to Bangkok again in February. And this time I want to see the real "sights" of Thailand rather then the hunky dory bodybuilders from Tawan...slurrppp! HAHAHA

    Anyways I did some reseach online but thought I ask this forum for advice and tips.

    I know some of you may not like that place, but I would love to see it at least once and make my own judgment from it.

    How much does it cost from BKK to the temple, say by bus, car/taxi? Going by tour, is it cheaper?

    I read that the entrance fee is about 600baht? What about the extra charges if I want to feed the cubs or take pictures with them...

    I am a student still and thinking of setting aside $SGD100 for the Tiger Temple trip.. Would it be sufficient?

    Thanks guys in advance!!!!!! :leb: :leb:

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  2. #2
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: How to get to Tiger Temple from Bangkok?

    Camperboy! OMG... no replies!

    I had planned to go to the Tiger Temple a couple of years ago but didn't end up going. But I did do a little research at the time so since no one else responded to your question...

    From what I recall, you can get half -day or full-day tours that stop by there along with some other historical sites like the death railway bridge (built by POWs during WW2) and such. Choose wisely as some of these packaged tours will also stopover in "jewelry factories" and such and encourage you to buy stuff! Just walk around and find a tour agent who can show you these options. Your hotel should have one. Bargain for a discount (e.g. if the tour is 2,000 baht try to knock 25% off).

    The second option is to just hire a car and driver and go straight there but this is obviously more expensive. Third option is I think you can take a combination of public buses and local tuk tuks but this might be too much trouble.

    What I also recall is SGD$100 (2,500 baht) might not be enough. You have the cost of getting there, then the entry fee and if you want some "special photos" etc. you have to pay a lot more, maybe 1,000 baht more or something.

    Basically, it's a pain in the arse, a long way to go (so likely to take up a whole day) and that's why I didn't bother going at the time. I'll see what my BF thinks of the place next time I visit.

    Maybe someone who's done the trip can better advise...

    Also suggest searching "tiger temple" on this forum as reports on this have been posted in the past (though prices may be out of date).

    Quote Originally Posted by camperboy
    this time I want to see the real "sights" of Thailand
    Cool... get out and see Bangkok! There's heaps to do. Visit the sky bars. Go shopping at Chatuchak Market and Siam Square (Bangkok version of Orchard Rd). Walk around Chinatown. Hang out at Khao San Rd. Go check out out one of the amazing beaches down South like Krabi... Woot... have fun!

  3. #3
    Moderator christianpfc's Avatar
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    Re: How to get to Tiger Temple from Bangkok?

    I assume going by train from Hua Lampong to Kanchanaburi is the cheapest way to get there. Then you will have to find ways of transport from town to the temple (I don't know how far it is).

    You can even go by train from Singapore to Bangkok, and the train stops in Kanchanaburi.

    You should keep in mind the the tigers are probably not kept appropriate to the species and sedated for taking pictures with tourist, and yet from time to time accidents happen.

  4. #4

    Re: How to get to Tiger Temple from Bangkok?

    which leads me to question why you think having your picture taken with a drugged tiger cub counts as real thailand ??
    why not go to africa and pet a tiger in the wild ... much more realistic im sure .. ill throw you a few dollars and get you to take latincock with you .. dont forget to send a postcard :glasses7:

  5. #5
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    Re: How to get to Tiger Temple from Bangkok?

    Brithai i hope you dont mind me saying , but its no use going to africa to see tigers ,unless you go to a zoo , they all live in asia, and india

  6. #6
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    Re: How to get to Tiger Temple from Bangkok?

    Indeed I don't know why you'd go to Africa where tigers have never existed in the wild. Whereas Thailand is a native habitat of tigers.

  7. #7

    Re: How to get to Tiger Temple from Bangkok?

    well bugger me backwards ... im sure he said elephant !! i need go see optician

  8. #8
    Forum's veteran arsenal's Avatar
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    Re: How to get to Tiger Temple from Bangkok?

    Gentlemen. It's late and I can't be bothered to check, but. I believe there are a few 'wild' tigers in South Africa, They have been released there as part of a repopulation programme. I am sure I have seen this somewhere. But I do stand to be corrected.

  9. #9
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    Re: How to get to Tiger Temple from Bangkok?

    Well it's always a possibility but I don't know why they'd release tigers into the wild in a continent where they have never been native. Seems ecologically irresponsible.

  10. #10
    Senior member
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    Re: How to get to Tiger Temple from Bangkok?

    woootz... few more days to bangkok! i cannot wait!!!!!! arty
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