....or, more precisely Mr Glen as he is termed in the fliers, for inviting me to his street party last night. Well, to be strictly honest, I wasn't so much invited to his birthday celebrations as having them imposed upon me: until 0300.
It was not a big event; about forty revelers, I'd guess, and with the surrounding bars in Boyztown less busy than usual (heaven knows why) the soi was not crowded. But it made up for this with its sheer, deafening volume. My laptop bounced on my desk as that thumping bass (so over-amplified as to conceal tonal variation) made its impact. And to assist in my enjoyment, Mr Glen had thoughtfully placed his array of loudspeakers so that they faced my room head on.
Serves me right for complaining last year.
But no, I jest; Boyztown tourists don't count for much when one of Pattaya's aristocracy wishes to put on a vanity show- a celebration so important to the whole community that holding it inside the bar, with the doors closed , where the revelers could easily be accommodated, was out of the question. And of course, any thoughts that it could be held at home.... what would the neighbours say?
Accordingly, we were all expected to celebrate one of the biggest events of the year, Mr Glen's birthday, whether we liked it or not.
So, for the second year in succession, Mr Glen, on behalf of the hotel guests who wanted to sleep , those who wanted a drink in Panorama and the opportunity to talk with their friends, and the other bar-owners, thank you.