I went to the "Copa Bar" in Pattaya for the first time last night. The first impression was of a strong smell of chrorine from the tank at the back of the stage.

There were about a dozen Go Go Boys who circulated quite quickly but none appealed to me. Then an announcement proclaimed "The only underwater erotic show in Thailand". Four guys in speedos then swam around in the tank which was novel at first but soon lost its interest. It wasn't remotely "erotic".

After a fifeteen minute break there was a tiresome lip-sync caberet. Why anyone finds drag queens miming to some awful "diva" song is totally beyond me. It only gets worse when there's a sequence that's meant to be funny. In some cases at Copa I wasn't sure which was meant to be which.

It's an impressive bar but a wasted opportunity given the facitities available.

On a positive note the toilets were spotless and I wasn't pestered by a mamasan. My orange juice was 160 baht.

Earlier in the day I'd had a massage at the place that's next to and connected to the Copa Bar and that was excellent.