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Thread: Thank you Copa

  1. #1
    Senior member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Thank you Copa

    ....or, more precisely Mr Glen as he is termed in the fliers, for inviting me to his street party last night. Well, to be strictly honest, I wasn't so much invited to his birthday celebrations as having them imposed upon me: until 0300.
    It was not a big event; about forty revelers, I'd guess, and with the surrounding bars in Boyztown less busy than usual (heaven knows why) the soi was not crowded. But it made up for this with its sheer, deafening volume. My laptop bounced on my desk as that thumping bass (so over-amplified as to conceal tonal variation) made its impact. And to assist in my enjoyment, Mr Glen had thoughtfully placed his array of loudspeakers so that they faced my room head on.
    Serves me right for complaining last year.
    But no, I jest; Boyztown tourists don't count for much when one of Pattaya's aristocracy wishes to put on a vanity show- a celebration so important to the whole community that holding it inside the bar, with the doors closed , where the revelers could easily be accommodated, was out of the question. And of course, any thoughts that it could be held at home.... what would the neighbours say?
    Accordingly, we were all expected to celebrate one of the biggest events of the year, Mr Glen's birthday, whether we liked it or not.
    So, for the second year in succession, Mr Glen, on behalf of the hotel guests who wanted to sleep , those who wanted a drink in Panorama and the opportunity to talk with their friends, and the other bar-owners, thank you.

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran
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    Dec 2005

    Re: Thank you Copa

    Probably Glen had no control over the mind boggling loudness of the music. It's a Thai thing and one of the
    thorns of life in Thailand. I won't stay in Yensabai condo again, after many nights of no sleep due to insane
    loudness and giant loudspeakers. Yensabai condo close to Sunee Plaza where many birthday parties run to 3am.

  3. #3
    Junior member
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    Dec 2013

    Re: Thank you Copa

    Come on chaps its Pattaya a holiday city. If it was too quiet everyone would be moaning about that. As for Glens birthday you said yourself it was just that night once a year.

    I never understand why people stay in the entertainment area and then complain about the noise. If you want quiet go stay somewere outside the entertainment area. Iv lived in Sunee plaza for a few years and put up with the noise as I liked to walk out the door and be where I needed to be. Also easy to get back to the room when pissed LOL.

    About 3 years ago I moved and now live in a nice quiet area that is only a short bike ride from Sunee, Patayaland etc.

    What Im saying is if you want to fall out the door right bye the bars then dont go to bed when there is a party going on.Get out there and join in.

    Your on holiday for fuck sake!! :ymparty:

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran Up2U's Avatar
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    San Francisco Bay Area and Pattaya

    Re: Thank you Copa

    OP, why complain and get upset, just move? That's what I did, after staying at the Ambiance for several years I just got tired of the racket from the street, from BBB, and late night noise coming from the hallways. Problem solved.

  5. #5
    Forum's veteran arsenal's Avatar
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    Sep 2010

    Re: Thank you Copa

    You have been here before with the same complaint Oliver. It's unlikely to change.

  6. #6
    Forum's veteran colmx's Avatar
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    Re: Thank you Copa

    Funny thing about birthdays is that the happen on the same date every year...

    So if you had an issue with Glens B'day last year... why did you think it would be any different this year?

    Same same the parties in Castro that you have also complained about over the last year...

    I think its time you found some where new to stay... I was going to suggest Baan Souy... but MJ also throws Birthday bashes so that probably wouldn't suit, nor would jomtien complex as they have parties there too...

    Maybe you need to start staying in East Pattaya on the "dark side"
    Buffalo me die! Send Money!

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran joe552's Avatar
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    Dublin, Ireland

    Re: Thank you Copa

    I have to agree with colmx and others - since this is not the first time the OP has experienced this, why would he return at the same time. Time to move on - in more ways than one.
    Hitchhiking's more of a challenge on the road less travelled.

  8. #8
    Up Yer Kilt scottish-guy's Avatar
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    May 2013

    Re: Thank you Copa

    <<<<<<<< scores Joe off the RIP list. Dammit, I had him in the sweepstake too.

    Welcome back, I suppose.

  9. #9
    Forum's veteran colmx's Avatar
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    May 2004

    Re: Thank you Copa

    Yes welcome back Joe!
    When are you, NIrish, RonanTheBarbarian, myself and any other volunteers gonna have our much anticipated sawatdee night out in Dublin?
    Buffalo me die! Send Money!

  10. #10
    Senior member
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    Jul 2012

    Re: Thank you Copa

    Any explanation as to why the party wasn't inside Copa? BBB, Cafe Royale, Funny Boys and Throb have all had numerous parties while I've been staying there. Often these involve buffets outside....while the music stays inside. Why is Copa different? Of the three venues it probably has the biggest space.

    And why does the management of Copa ignore ignore the views of other businesses in the soi?
    I'm sorry to say this but I have the impression that social and community responsibility are virtues that are not respected there. Even worse; I sense a degree of self- importance. For what it's worth (and I know it's very little) I am not returning to this bar after supporting Cockpit, Throb and Copa since 1996. For newbies, these are the three bars that have stood on that site since Boyztown was first established. Just a gesture which I hope others follow.

    I like my hotel. I like it's location. Why should I be forced to move to an area I don't wish to be in after seventeen years? Why should my hotel, one that treats me well, lose my custom because of Copa? I have another idea; the large number of people who were annoyed on Thursday (including bar-owners) should make it clear to the management of Copa that all the businesses in the soi depend on each other. The soi , as a whole, clearly lost custom on Thursday. I don't believe that the fact that one man's birthday justifies any of this. It's the sort of behaviour to be expected from spoiled adolescents, not mature businessmen.

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