Call it what you like but the bottom line is its payment for sex (prostitution). A tip is given in any business for exceptional service. I don't tip in a restaurant if I get lousy food or lousy service. The money we pay is for sex for sale. "payment for sexual services" the only thing is that, usually what we give them is a sort of grey area in terms of how much. The off fee is fair for the bar and the Farang as he doesn't have to do any ground work he just selects by number. Prostitution at its worst.

I have my own scale of payment which I follow
1,000 bt for a 2 or 3 hours. A lot of boys can't wait to get away.
1,000 bt for an all nighter with a tip of 300 / 500 bt if they were good

Long term for BS I give 30,000 for a one month holiday plus all the goodies like a bit of shopping drinks and meals.

I would be very interested to know what all you guys think is fair and what you would pay for services. and do you really believe it's a tip you are giving them