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Thread: i could run a business better than Thais

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran
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    an alternative reality

    funny business

    "Take a LAUNDRY business for example,most want you to pick up the laundry within 24 hours,i can take my laundry in Sydney and its done the same day. "..

    is that what you propose ?? taking our laundry to Sydney to be done ??

    why not..no wackier than some of the businesses started up in Pattaya by farangs...the 24 hour vegetarian restaurant in Jomtien was one..6 months in the planning..3 months of renovating and then a gala opening one night and shut by the morning with the owner walking off in a huff !!

    I'm only a light drinker. When it's daylight I drink.

  2. #2
    Senior member
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    Jomtien Beach

    find a need and fill it

    * I think the laundry takes longer because they are air-drying on the rooftop rather than using electric dryers, to save on electric cost. look for dryers, you won't see many

    * internet cafe's were probably ok businesses 5-10 years ago, but at 1 baht per minute you don't have much margin

    * the glass was probably tinted dark because the shop was a bar, gogo or massage place before they turned it into an internet cafe

    * from my observations, I'd say lack of capital is the main thing that kills a small business in Pattaya. It takes time to build a following (lots of examples of this have been posted on SGT)

    * I don't know about 24hr vegetarian restaurants (is Jomtien the place for that?) but I am familiar with a 24hr hamburger joint in Chiang Mai that is PACKED, even at 3 in the morning. they must make a ton of baht

    * instead of studying the failures, look at the creative, successful people in town. Here are a few examples:

    Renoirs(Flamingo Hotel) - I forget the name of the guy who runs this place, but he's very attentive to guests, and he did a great job with Renoirs, which fills a certain niche

    John Botting - never met him but he clearly knows how to create a product and sell it; has multiple businesses, therefore multiple income streams

    Punya - did a great job with Sansuk. I LOVE that place (that's the customer opinion that a good businessman wants to achieve, free advertising). He also owns Howard's and seems to always have guests.

    Boat Bakery - simple business done well; I have no idea who the owner is.

    The last thing that Pattaya needs is another Basil Fawlty trying to run a hotel or host bar. Model yourself after someone who knows what they're doing.


  3. #3
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: funny business

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunchtime O'Booze
    "Take a LAUNDRY business for example,most want you to pick up the laundry within 24 hours,i can take my laundry in Sydney and its done the same day. "..

    is that what you propose ?? taking our laundry to Sydney to be done ??

    why not..no wackier than some of the businesses started up in Pattaya by farangs...the 24 hour vegetarian restaurant in Jomtien was one..6 months in the planning..3 months of renovating and then a gala opening one night and shut by the morning with the owner walking off in a huff !!
    LOL! Oh dear, oh dear. :cheers: :cheers:
    JESUS LOVES YOU, yes, even you nancies

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by wx40afp
    And i will do my best to beat any competition.
    And if i have to be a cunt of a boss to win,i will be,because i will be out to win.
    You want to be careful they don't get up and fucken shoot ya!
    JESUS LOVES YOU, yes, even you nancies

  5. #5

    Re: find a need and fill it

    Quote Originally Posted by Dboy
    John Botting - never met him but he clearly knows how to create a product and sell it; has multiple businesses, therefore multiple income streams
    Also multiple loss streams, if you believe his financial statements.

  6. #6

    Re: find a need and fill it

    Quote Originally Posted by Dboy
    Punya - did a great job with Sansuk.
    It certainly doesn't hurt to have been left a small fortune by a dead, geriatric, farang sugar daddy.

  7. #7
    Senior member
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    Jomtien Beach

    Re: find a need and fill it

    Quote Originally Posted by Weed Whacker
    Quote Originally Posted by Dboy
    John Botting - never met him but he clearly knows how to create a product and sell it; has multiple businesses, therefore multiple income streams
    Also multiple loss streams, if you believe his financial statements.

    like I said, never met him. I doubt there's ANYONE out there running a business who hasn't had financial difficulty at some point. If you want to play it safe, be an employee. Just don't fault the people who want to live a bigger life than you do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Weed Whacker
    Quote Originally Posted by Dboy
    Punya - did a great job with Sansuk.
    It certainly doesn't hurt to have been left a small fortune by a dead, geriatric, farang sugar daddy.

    That's only part of Punya's story though. Yeah it's nice to be willed a fortune, but it's not a requirement for success. Punya is also very detail-oriented and hands-on. I walked up to Sansuk once in about 95 degree F heat and saw Punya outside making sure some road crew was pouring concrete properly...that's not a guy who sits on his ass and counts his sugar-daddy money. That's a guy who wants a job done properly. It seems Punya is ALWAYS working. He's either managing a problem, chatting with a customer, or dealing with an employee. Look, you learn various lessons from various people. Complaining about where the seed-money came from is just silly. Getting the money is the easy part. Find your own role-models if you don't like those. The point is to identify traits that seem to work. I realize this board is probably not the best place to discuss entrepreneurship, but Billy brought up the Pattaya business topic, which is something of interest to me. The catty responses are completely useless.


  8. #8
    Forum's veteran lonelywombat's Avatar
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    Re: find a need and fill it

    Quote Originally Posted by Weed Whacker
    Quote Originally Posted by Dboy
    John Botting - never met him but he clearly knows how to create a product and sell it; has multiple businesses, therefore multiple income streams
    Also multiple loss streams, if you believe his financial statements.
    Boygeenyus is the only other person claiming to have access or interest in Johns business statements

    new poster as well. HHMMNNN
    Wombat : an Australian marsupial that eats,roots and leaves

  9. #9
    Oh, dear. Caught out again by the junior super-sleuths of Sawatdee Gay Thailand. You have to get up pretty early in the morning to pull the wool over the eyes of the likes of lonelywombat, I guess. I might as well own up to it now: I'm also the Easter Bunny, Jimmy Hoffa, Osama bin Laden, and Hedda.

  10. #10
    Forum's veteran
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    One of the big secrets of any business (besides offering a good product or service) is proper training. I think many Thai businesses do not train their workers properly...no one is held accountable ...and the managers may think they just sit on their arse and delegate. People from the West know what good service is...but most Thais have no role model to follow. Just look at the banks here, can you imagine a bank in the USA being closed before everyone gets off work and on weekends? (I do my banking at two banks and the main bank offices close around 3:30pm). I was in Bangkok over the weekend and dropped in at Mike's Hamburgers to check it out.... brand new place that will go under soon. WhY?? Because the young staff can't understand English to take an order properly (this place caters to tourists, not the locals). And don't you like it when you shop for electronics at places like Testco or Big C and there are plenty of clerks standing around but they're busy squeezing their zits in the mirror or talking to one another--where is the supervisor??? (He thinks this is normal behavior. Where is the customer service? So one has to realize that "customer service" as we know in the West and take for granted is not a reality here at most places---yet.

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