One of things wowpow overlooks in his cut'n'paste efforts are some of the hilarious events or comments, often buried within a news story. The other day (shades of Nancy Reagan and her astrologer at the Court of Ol' Hoppalong) there was a story of the coup leaders visiting a witch doctor in Chiang Mai to cleanse themselves of the bad luck associated with the coup. In today's Bangkok Post those self-same (self-serving?) coup leaders are defending the jobs-for-the-boys orgy that has erupted as they appoint themselves to lucrative sinecures all over the place. However the really side-splitting comment comes from former General and Prime Minister (and a major godfather himself) who is reported as crticising those Generals in the following statement: "Soldiers always focused on their duty and were not, by nature, adept in the arts of business dealings, Gen Chavalit said."

Yes indeed. Every day a new smile :idea: