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Thread: how i can help my sick friend?

  1. #1

    how i can help my sick friend?


    my friend has just been a week in the Radvithee hostital, he told me he has kidney sickness and lung septic. He has big problem with breathing. now he is back home but will move to his hometown to recover.

    Unfortunatly he could not tell me exactly what he has but he told me the doctor told him he will not get very old. I afraid he will have tuberkulose, but it is not confirmed. I do not know what i could do. Maybe he could be better if he gets the right threathment. I am not in thailand now, and have no way to get better information from the hospital, and i also doubt it will very usefull for him if the hospital knows there is a farang who maybe could take care.

    Any idea what could be done, i want to know if there is any better threatment what is payable, but can not make him any hope before i am sure there is any hope.


  2. #2
    Tell him to ask the doctor to write in english what is the problem.

    They have the 30 baht medical scheme ( google that)

    If he knows the drugs he needs they can be bought if needs be and shouldnt be too expensive. Be wary if he asks for large sums of money.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Oogleman
    Tell him to ask the doctor to write in english what is the problem.

    They have the 30 baht medical scheme ( google that)

    If he knows the drugs he needs they can be bought if needs be and shouldnt be too expensive. Be wary if he asks for large sums of money.

    I know about the 30 baht medical scheme, but he told me, he can only get free medical service in his hometown, what is yasothon. But I afraid, the medcial service with this 30 baht scheme is not enough.
    There is no problem about money, i know him 6 years, and he not want money. there is absolutly no possiblity that he wants just to get money out of me.


  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Just a thought,

    Thais 4 Life help out if some one is in need,If they can. also G.A.P has a care house that will accomadate him while he is having treatment, But he must live in Pattaya, if he can get treatment in Pattaya he can change his GOLD card( health card) to Pattaya as long as he has some where to stay.
    E.mail or P/M. mail me for more info. thefullmontybar@hotmail.com

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