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Thread: Been Very Sick

  1. #1
    Senior member
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    Saudi Arabia
    Liked: 1

    Been Very Sick

    I haven't been on the forum for a couple of months as I am battling with an Illness. I have been diagnosed with possible ocular myathsenia and have been suffering double vision for 10 weeks now. I can only use one eye at a time. One or the other is always patched.The single fiber EMG muscle tests are not available here in Saudi and even if they were I wouldn't let these doctors stick electrodes near my eyes, so I am returning to the UK next week for tests and will have to stay for an indefinite period.

    I had planned to be in Thailand during April but that got canceled. I would be grateful if anyone out there who knows of this disorder or who is suffering it could let me know a bit more about it first hand. I understand it cant be cured but can be controlled with meds.Meanwhile I am looking forward to getting well enough to come to LOS again.

    Don't try to hold in farts - they travel up your spine and into your brain and that is where shitty ideas come from.

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran
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    Dec 2005

    rough news..

    allieb, that is really rough news and I am sure we all wish you a speedy recovery and good eyesight.
    I never heard of this condition and image if you google it, your search will uncover useful info.
    I have enjoyed your postings in the past and your perspective from Saudi was interesting and you are missed on this forum...

    choke dee krup :cat:

  3. #3
    wow - sorry to hear that nice man!

    If you feel up to it while in UK - send me a PM and we can have a bite or drinkies!

  4. #4
    AllieB that is not sounding good. If you get more info please let us all know.
    Recently I myself have suddenly been having problems with my eyes, and it was sudden. I went outdoors one evening about a month ago, and looked up into the stars and low and behold to my utter amazement they all looked like little twinkling butterflies. I was seeing double. I do not have this problem with anything else only stars, and I still have it. My eye-sight is not that of an older person, so I have been worried, especially as the moon is now also seemi double. It seems to have something to do with concentrated light in my case.

    I often I think I may have inflicted the damage myself. In the early days of laser beam pointers, I was experimenting with the light, as boys will do, and running the beam across surfaces and seeing how I could bend light that sort of thing. Anyway I innocently ran the light across a glass table top I think it was, and it shot around the corner when it reached the other end and struck a mirror at the other end of the room and bounced straight back into my left eye. It was very sore for about three weeks a real feeling like someoe had given me a black eye, and then I forgot about it entirely when the pain subsided, until I looked up into the night sky and saw the stars. Who knows?

    So in a small way I do know just what it might be like for you. Good luck, and I will certainly be looking up all info on ocular myathsenia.

  5. #5
    Senior member
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    Philadelphia, Pa
    wikipedia entry:

    Best of Luck...

  6. #6
    Double vision? Can't blame you for staying away from the forum! Two Billy's, two Homi's, two Georges...that would be more than any sane person could reasonably be expected to take.

  7. #7
    Senior member
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    Saudi Arabia
    Liked: 1
    Thanks to all specially Cat, Oogleman and Cedric. To wx40axp it does seem us poofs have more than our fair share of eye troubles and, yes as a kid I was always told wanking would make us blind but most of us continued and settled for wearing glasses. ( If I can't joke about this I will go mad )

    I do believe that this can be controlled by low doses of steroids and immune suppressors so will have to see what the doc says. Saudi has fab hospitals and the latest equipment but run and operated by clowns. As a lady once said to me when I made a visit to Israel and told her I had come from Saudi " What does an Arab want when he is real sick " A good Jewish Doctor.

    I will be in contact with Oogleman when in London so he will get the news. Once again thanks to all the well wishers.
    Don't try to hold in farts - they travel up your spine and into your brain and that is where shitty ideas come from.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2006
    Allieb.Im hoping that your condition is limited to your ocular region,as from what ive read,if it does limit itself to your eyes the diagnosis is much better and with the steroids hopefully it can be resolved.I know how disturbing this must be for you.I have glaucoma very bad in my left eye which is stable for the time being. Best luck for you. Rocket

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