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Thread: Don't sing in the bars

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Don't sing in the bars

    Better yet, do not alienate a Thai or group of Thais.

    A farang is killed. Needlessly.

    BANGKOK (AFP) тАУ An American tourist was allegedly stabbed to death by three Thai musicians after he refused to stop singing at a bar in a popular tourist resort, police said Wednesday.

    Bobby Ray Carter, 51, died after he was stabbed twice in the chest while his son Adam, 27, suffered a stab wound to his arm, during a fight with members of the house band from the Longhorn Saloon early Wednesday at Ao Nang beach in Krabi.

    Police said the three musicians were arrested at the scene and confessed to stabbing the Americans.

    Carter had joined the musicians on stage for a singalong, but a row broke out when he refused to stop singing as the band took a break.

    On its website the Longhorn Saloon advertises "jam with the band" as one of its attractions, along with "good music, funfunfun and friendly staff".

    "He and his son quarrelled with all three musicians because he wouldn't stop singing despite the musicians taking a break," said Lieutenant Colonel Attapong Seanjaiwuth of Krabi tourist police.

    "He then demanded the money he had already given as a tip back. But the real fight broke out outside of that pub. He was stabbed twice and died while on the way to local hospital."

    Thailand has come under scrutiny in recent months over its treatment of foreign tourists, who are a mainstay of the economy.

    Tourists have registered a series of complaints with authorities over their treatment ranging from jet ski scams, drink spiking, robbery, assault and even police extortion.

    A dozen European ambassadors recently raised the issue with local authorities on a visit to the resort island of Phuket -- where a 59-year-old Australian woman was killed in June 2012 in a robbery.

    Earlier in July an American man was slashed to death by a taxi driver in Bangkok after an apparent argument over the fare.

    A record 22 million foreigners visited Thailand last year. Although most did not encounter any serious problems, diplomats say tougher action is needed to ensure their protection.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/07/31 ... op-singing

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Don't sing in the bars

    -- and there was an Australian family attacked by a group of Thai cronies because the father had argued with a Thai in Phuket. No wonder the representative of the EU asked the government of Thailand to make Phuket more safe for tourists. Too many "hot head" mafia boys in Phuket.

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran
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    Jan 2008

    Re: Don't sing in the bars

    ...well.....having been to oz several times...and having experienced their hospitality I can very well understand why the whole family got beaten up....

  4. #4
    Moderator a447's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Don't sing in the bars

    Quote Originally Posted by latintopxxx
    ..well.....having been to oz several times...and having experienced their hospitality
    No, no Latin. You did neither. You went to New Zealand, remember?? Get your story straight. (a bit like your 12 hour flight to Bangkok :sign5: )

    Proof that you've never been to Oz (and many other places, for that matter) lies in the fact that you are still alive!

    As others have pointed out here and elsewhere, the reputations entire countries have is bullshit. The smiling Thais also have their bad apples, especially with their youth. The same can be said about the supposedly quiet, artistic and peace-loving Balinese. These false images of countries and their people are just figments of governments' imaginations in order to encourage tourism.

    Life is cheap in poorer countries.

  5. #5
    Senior member Mancs's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: Don't sing in the bars

    This is a tragic incident but there are lessons for all visitors there, if this report is accurate: "he refused to stop singing as the band took a break"..."He then demanded the money he had already given as a tip back". We can easily overlook how important 'face' is in Thailand.

  6. #6
    Senior member
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Don't sing in the bars

    Quote Originally Posted by a447
    Quote Originally Posted by latintopxxx
    ..well.....having been to oz several times...and having experienced their hospitality
    No, no Latin. You did neither. You went to New Zealand, remember?? Get your story straight. (a bit like your 12 hour flight to Bangkok :sign5: )

    Proof that you've never been to Oz (and many other places, for that matter) lies in the fact that you are still alive!

    As others have pointed out here and elsewhere, the reputations entire countries have is bullshit. The smiling Thais also have their bad apples, especially with their youth. The same can be said about the supposedly quiet, artistic and peace-loving Balinese. These false images of countries and their people are just figments of governments' imaginations in order to encourage tourism.

    Life is cheap in poorer countries.
    Well said a447, spot on! Bali in particular with which I am very familiar,sometimes I think they resent the fact that they depend a great deal on the tourist dollar and that simmering resentment comes to the surface if their milk cow (the tourist ) should dare to stray from his role of spending what the locals think is THEIR entitlement! Their view is tourist simply spend your money shut up and then f**k off!
    I initially was taken in by their fake smiles and their apparent docile character,over the years I have seen through that crap!
    In fact I prefer the Thais to the Balinese , you know where you stand with the Thais , yes they want your money also but they are nowhere near as "slimy" and you can have fun with the Thais not just sex.

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