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Thread: Thai man accused of molesting boys in toilet

  1. #1
    Senior member
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    Thai man accused of molesting boys in toilet

    Bangkok Post - 24th May 06, Wassayos Ngamkham

    "Police yesterday arrested a man for luring underage children and sexually abusing them in his internet cafe in Bang Bon district. Officers from the Crime against Children, Juveniles and Women Suppression Division filed charges against Prajak Chuenrutai, 34, after he allegedly performed lewd acts with boys under the age of 15 at his unnamed internet cafe. The arrest followed a complaint by a woman who told police on Monday that her 12-year-old and six-year-old sons had been molested by Mr Prajak for the past five months.

    "He often lured the boys to please him in a bathroom or in his private room behind the cafe," a police officer said. The police said Mr Prajak promised to give money to the children or let them play on-line games for free if they agreed to accompany him to the bathroom, where he tried "various types of sexual abuse" on them. Many boys are believed to be his victims but did not dare tell their parents.

    Mr Prajak denied all allegations against him. If found guilty, he will face a maximum of 10 years in jail or a fine of 20,000 baht, police said. The man, a manager for a garment export company, was arrested in front of his office in Muang district, Samut Sakhon province."

    I hope that my posts will be of use.

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran bucknaway's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    I hope he is considered innocent until proven guilty. And if he is Guilty it is a shame he only would face 10 years in jail....
    These are the good'ol days

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran
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    Dec 2005


    Whenever you watch the farang Thai TV news in Pattaya, there are always a couple of police arrests of drug sellers and/or
    gold chain snatchers or burglars..Each time, the arrested Thais return to the scene of the crime and recreate the crime often pointing
    to the people involved.. I get the impression that since they are usually caught with the goods or have many eye witnesses,
    the vast majority confess and cooperate with the police.. There is no concept of innocent until proven guilty at least with the
    poor, powerless underclass profiled on every local news report.. I am sure the wealthy, well connected upper classes have
    a different experience..
    Also Bucky, 10 years in a Thai prison, especially for child molestors must be a living hell and sounds more than appropriate
    for child molestors..In the USA, he probably would be killed by the other prisoners long before his prison term ended, as
    child molestors are considered the bottom of the barrel or simply scum. I imagine it would feel like a lifetime.. I have heard
    of hineous crimes, including deaths, and money to the victim's family seems to ease everyone's concerns and perhaps this guy
    can pay his way out of this... It ain't the USA, Bucky.........

  4. #4


    This is disgraceful. Where were the FBI honey trap folks?

  5. #5
    Senior member
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    Jun 2005

    Re: Wassup

    Quote Originally Posted by homintern
    This is disgraceful. Where were the FBI honey trap folks?
    The FBI doesn't do honey wagons, apparently.

  6. #6
    What I want to know is, where are all the boo-hoo cry-babies who are always lamenting the fact that "the Thai police only target foreign pedos?"

  7. #7
    Administrator Surfcrest's Avatar
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    Vancouver, Canada

    Don't agree

    Sorry guys,

    Maybe its the Canadian in me saying this, but I don't agree.

    Child abuse is an illness that should be treated or addressed at the source. Quite often child abusers were abused themselves and so they too were victims of someone else.

    As past generations pushed this issue under the carpet for so long, they are only surfacing now that it is acceptable to bring these complaints forward rather than surpressing them in shame.

    There is only so much room in prisons and only so much burden the tax payer can support. This like so many issues needs to be addressed at the source, rather than when it becomes a symtom. If and when these molesters get out of prison, they quite often do it again because they can't help themselves.

    Fortunately this is not a gay issue, nor is it a Gay Thailand issue. It has nothing to do with homosexuality what so ever. If it is a crime to molest young boys, why the hell do they allow businesses in Thailand to feed these people's hunger. It's just as stupid as our Canadian government providing drugs and drug supplies to the addicts instead of the help they need.

    I just don't get it.


  8. #8
    Maybe its the Canadian in me saying this
    I love having a nice Canadian boy in me, especially if it's a well-hung French-Canadian twink.

  9. #9

    Target practice

    Quote Originally Posted by boygeenyus
    What I want to know is, where are all the boo-hoo cry-babies who are always lamenting the fact that "the Thai police only target foreign pedos?"
    I've never been so naive. I always assume that the only paedophiles who get arrested and charged in Thailand are the ones who can't afford to pay off the police or who are so newsworthy (eg. former Australian diplomats) that the Thai police can't afford to lose face by not charging them. In this particular case a Thai complained to the Thai police and presumably either the man didn't have the money to pay off the police (most likely) or it was such a locally prominent case that the notoriety factor meant they had to be seen to be doing something. The nationality of the perpetrator is irrelevant. The Thai police, I find, like most Thai officialdom are generally colour blind - until it comes to the colour of money. Ports of Thailand in clearing exports and imports are, if anything, even worse than the police. I know that boygeenyus has a competely different view of what constitutes corruption and happily trots around to his local cop shop (intentional naming - you can buy one or more policemen there) with flowers and choccies at New Year, to encourage them to do the job for which they are already paid by the taxpayer

  10. #10
    Dearest Homi, perhaps you missed one of my recent posts, which went something like this:

    "The police police were corrupt long before Thaksin. Probably from the beginning of time".

    Could I have spelled it out any more clearly? And what's this about flowers and choccies?

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