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Thread: Avoid Pattaya's New Taxis!

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran Manforallseasons's Avatar
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    Avoid Pattaya's New Taxis!

    This year Pattaya has added metered taxis, most stay in front of Central, Villa Market, and Tuck Com. They lay in wait for foreigners and hustle you off never using the meter or if asked they still don't use the meter and quote you a ridiculous fare.
    My guess they are regulated like most things in Pattaya.

    "In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king"

  2. #2
    Senior member
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    Re: Avoid Pattaya's New Taxis!

    These fake taxis are not new. They've been in Pattaya for many years now.
    However you are correct, they do not use the meters.
    They are owned by the same company that owns the baht bus cooperative.
    In other words a total transport monopoly. Welcome to Pattaya.
    Cunt Pride!

  3. #3

    Re: Avoid Pattaya's New Taxis!

    As far as the baht buses are concerned I have to say that a "total transport monopoly" that can deliver me to Jomtien for only 10B, has my complete support!

  4. #4
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    Re: Avoid Pattaya's New Taxis!

    Yes of course they are great when they are used as buses. But if you need a taxi charter off the very limited tourism routes, you are screwed.
    Cunt Pride!

  5. #5

    Re: Avoid Pattaya's New Taxis!

    When traveling from Pattaya to Bangkok several days ago "on a whim" my hotel said they couldn't arrange a taxi as they needed 4 hours notice ( go figure !) so I said I would hail a cab, I checked with reception what the approximate fare should be (1200 baht was the suggested figure) and I walked around the corner from mosaik to the front of Tukcom where a "meter taxi" was sitting parked. I asked did he want to go to Bangkok and how much and after a moments surprise and thinking he said "ok 1500 baht" ( I should add that this happened to be one of those 7 seater type taxis and not a normal car) I said "no thanks, it should be 1200 I'll get someone else" to which he said "ah but that's as this is a 7 seater, let me ring my friend and swap cars and I'll happily do it for 1200 baht" - this he did and in seconds a normal metre taxi turned up, whisked me to Bkk without further ado and to me that's not a bad service from walking up to a random taxi driver on the street so so far they have my full support.

    And they can't be any worse than the Bkk taxis who double their fares the minute it starts raining, I had one the the other who when I'd been charged 80 from Silom to Sukumvit then quoted me 200 baht just to let me in the taxi again as the rain had started and wouldn't use the meter, I asked him did he reduce his fares from the meter price when it was sunny and when he said no I said "well there's your answer" and both myself and my Thai friend told him we'd rather walk but I think the irony was lost on him, the next hailed taxi did i should add take us to where we needed to go, in the rain and on the meter so thankfully not taxi drivers are out to rip you off. Although I have to admit taxi drivers in my own city are no better so I doubt Thailand taxi drivers are any worse than anywhere else in that regard.

  6. #6
    Senior member
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    Re: Avoid Pattaya's New Taxis!

    Yes they can be worse than Bangkok! Typically, the standard charter rates in Pattaya are 4 to 5 times multiples a typical Bangkok metered fare.
    Cunt Pride!

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Avoid Pattaya's New Taxis!

    I think you pay for what you get.
    I have used these Pattaya taxis many times and many times to carry groceries and other things besides my group of boys and many trips to the hospital. I know that convienience comes with an extra price as does comfort from bumping around in a baht bus, hard seats and usually no air con unless you boot the girlfreind ot dog out of the front, then deal with the cigarette smoke. The taxis are normally very clean, quick and comfortable.

    I gather that the taxis are similar to most street and beach boys and some of the higher class rent boys. You pay usually for what you get! :sign5:

  8. #8
    Senior member
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    Re: Avoid Pattaya's New Taxis!

    You're obviously a rich bitch. Compare them to Bangkok taxi meters, same distance, and you're paying 4 times or more. If you think that's a good value, you're totally daft.
    Cunt Pride!

  9. #9
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Avoid Pattaya's New Taxis!

    I don't say that I am rich and I don't think my post suggested anything of the kind. If you READ what I said, I said you pay for what you get and what you want. Some people eat only at places that have set menus for 200 or 250 baht and some can eat at places that are 500 baht or more. There are jsut that other people's requirements and needs may be different than yours.

    I do see that you are capable of finally quoting just the sentece that needs quoting and not the last 2 and 3 posts. I will make a note of that so that next time you post the last 5 posts, I just accidentally delete everything! :dontknow:

  10. #10
    Senior member
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    Mar 2008

    Re: Avoid Pattaya's New Taxis!

    Sorry but thinking the current status quo with chartered transport in Pattaya (baht buses and/or taxis) is adequate and acceptable is pretty idiotic. We need a real taxi meter fleet as in Bangkok, one that uses the meters.
    Cunt Pride!

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