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Thread: Sansuk Sauna Massage

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran bucknaway's Avatar
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    Aug 2005

    Sansuk Sauna Massage

    I have been to Sansuk a few times but I have never opted to get a massage there. In Bangkok, I have gotten several massages from Babylon and enjoyed them all.

    Have any of you had a massage from Sansuk? If it has good reviews, I may try it out next month when I am there.



    These are the good'ol days

  2. #2
    Senior member
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    Feb 2010

    Re: Sansuk Sauna Massage

    Hi Bucknaway - I have been to Samsuk several times but I have yet to have a massage. In fact when I was there I didnt know how this could be arranged. There was obviously several boys employed which I liked the look of, but they always seemed to be engaged in servng food and drinks. The boss showed me round the rooms which were very impressive, but for me they were too far from the nightlife. Upstairs there is two floors with cubicles and an open area, but when I went there was virtually no action, just a few farangs wandering about in towels. The swimming pool is small but very nice, but apparently no nude swimming is allowed. I think the place would be much improved by relaxing the rules and allowing a few selected money boys in, perhaps free or at a discount from the 180 baht.

  3. #3
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    Re: Sansuk Sauna Massage

    Quote Originally Posted by bucknaway
    I have been to Sansuk a few times but I have never opted to get a massage there. In Bangkok, I have gotten several massages from Babylon and enjoyed them all.

    Have any of you had a massage from Sansuk? If it has good reviews, I may try it out next month when I am there.



    I think you are referring to the massage specifically right? I would pass that one mate. The guys may be good at their craft but none of them are attractive. Not one! I have never seen anyone actually in the massage rooms when I have visited.

  4. #4
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    Re: Sansuk Sauna Massage

    Massage at Sansuk has a good rep. Perfect rooms w/ shower en suite, highly qualified masseurs. No, they are not young and cute, nor do they offer extras. No need for that in a sauna.

  5. #5
    Forum's veteran bucknaway's Avatar
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    Re: Sansuk Sauna Massage

    I know it is odd, but I do enjoy a good non-sexual massage from time to time. I will admit that a little flirting goes a long way when someone is touching you in places that have gotten a many a priest in hot water. I still say that the guys in Chiang Mai give the best massage. Many say it is the same all over the country, but just as the food in Bangkok is prepared different than the same dish in Pattaya, Phuket and Chiang Mai, so is the technique of massage different from region to region. Now I am not talking about the gogo boy massage, I am talking about the REAL "I am only here to massage you and earn a tip" type of massage.

    For as much as I like Chiang Mai, I have not been back in years if only because there is nothing to do when the sun is up other than visit malls, visit temples, visit farms, eat and wait for dark..... But I did have some wild times in Chiang Mai....
    These are the good'ol days

  6. #6
    Senior member lukylok's Avatar
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    Belgium / Chiang Mai

    Re: Sansuk Sauna Massage

    I can tell you I had one hell of a good time visiting a "straight" massage place with my BS in Chiang Mai. We were in the same room being massaged by two strong ladies. I didn't understand a word they exchanged during the massage, they were laughing too much, but he gave me gist - at least I hope - when we were out.
    The massage was very good, and I let the commentaries to your imagination ! :hello1: :hello1: :hello1:

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