Yet again, a report of the arrest of pick pockets appears. This time in the Pattaya Daily News: ... n-tourist/

Previously, the Pattaya Mail reported a similar arrest:

It would seem that these reports of arrests only occur when large amounts of money have been stolen by these gangs; 200Euros+ in the recent case and 2,000Euros+ in the October case. Presumably, smaller amounts are not reported by the victims, but just put down to 'experience', making the police complacent about the real number of thefts occurring.

It's good to see that the police are responding to these thefts when reported, but we never hear what happens to the thieves. As both reports say, the gangs have been caught numerous times, but not deterred from continueing their activities. Do they ever get hefty fines, or even an appearance in court? I suspect they just get a token fine and sent on their way.

Anyway, they are not going to go away, so click on the above links as the papers helpfully show pictures of the thieves, so you can be aware of the risk of having any of them sit next to you whenever you travel on a baht bus