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Thread: visiting a gogo boys quarters from Baobao

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran lonelywombat's Avatar
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    Nov 2005

    visiting a gogo boys quarters from Baobao

    I was using the search function to find out more about Krabi when I came across this post.
    Really a great well written article and deserves reposting.

    Quote Originally Posted by bao-bao
    This is a bit long, but I know there are others besides myself who enjoy reading experiences other members have that are a bit out of the ordinary, so here's my tale of a visit to an acquaintances "loom". Names and some details have been changed to avoid causing them problems. And no, it didn't end up being a "sandwich" after the story ends.



    тАЬOh!тАЭ my friend said, surprised. тАЬI forget VCD! You OK wait and I go get?тАЭ

    Last evening IтАЩd spent a couple of hours visiting in a club with some of the guys who could communicate well enough in English for me to understand them on more than a тАЬwhere you fromтАЭ level and had become somewhat charmed (as most of us do) with one in particular by the name of Pom. Although Pom was obviously straight -- despite his self rating of тАЬ50-50тАЭ -- and relatively new to the club life, his тАЬmentorтАЭ friend Pui was as gay as a goose and just flamboyant enough to be entertaining without being annoying. WeтАЩd laughed and chatted for a couple of hours.

    By 10:30 though I was ready to get away from the smoke in the club, so since Pui was content to set his sights on another farang who had just plopped his sweaty bulk onto a plastic seat nearby I asked Pom if he wanted to join me for a foot massage at a nearby shop IтАЩd had recommended to me that morning. Although I got what I imagine will soon be a well-practiced but for now a not-quite-convincing pout he understood it wasnтАЩt going to be a nightтАЩs wages, but IтАЩd pay his off fee, massage and tip -- and he was fine with that. HeтАЩd previously shared that he hadnтАЩt had an off in a week, so anything was better than nothing and he agreed itтАЩd be a nice change. Besides, he allowed, I was тАЬgoofyтАЭ (where did he hear that?) and I made him laugh, so what the hell, sure, letтАЩs go. I called for the check bin, tipped Pui for his time and off we went. It was the best foot massage IтАЩve ever had, but thatтАЩs another story. Pom was pleased with his, also. I walked him back to his club and said good night, him asking if IтАЩd come see him again the next night. I fibbed slightly and said I thought I might have other plans, although I had none.

    Tonight IтАЩd succumbed to the siren call of familiarity and returned to see Pom and Pui for a couple of reasons: first, IтАЩd already established the superficial rapport with them that many of us fool ourselves into think of as тАЬcaring friendshipтАЭ on the guyтАЩs part, and thatтАЩs often enough for holiday acquaintances, if weтАЩre wise. IтАЩm not as adventurous as some when on a limited schedule and would rather not risk an evening trying a new place when thereтАЩs a known quantity more than likely already hoping IтАЩll make good on my assurance to come back and watch them shuffling around on a small stage, silently cursing the aircon needed to keep farangs in the club. Secondly, the two of these guys together were a hoot. Pom was handsome and affectionately chummy without being pushy (so far) and Pui was a show unto himself as well as a great go-between translator who was willing to help me learn more of PomтАЩs interesting story.

    As it turned out theyтАЩd been off someplace together that afternoon and Pom had bought a couple of gay VCDs from a vendor. Pui was much more interested in them than Pom was, but maybe Pom was curious, I donтАЩt know. Maybe he was more тАЬ50-50тАЭ than I was giving him credit for, despite what IтАЩd learned the night before about his girlfriend back in his home village. тАЬNothing wrong with doing research for work,тАЭ I told him, but it didnтАЩt translate well through Pui, unfortunately.

    The bottom line was they had no VCD player where they lived, and they wanted to know if they could come to my hotel room and watch them there. I know, I knowтАж I can hear you out there now, but that wasnтАЩt the first scenario that came to mind when I began to mull over the possibilities; however, the idea of the two of them together did cause a certain perfectly natural reaction that I managed to discreetly hide. After giving it some thought I decided it would be safe enough to try, so after settling accounts at the club we headed out into the warm Thai night air, had a bite to eat and were getting ready to catch the baht bus to my room when suddenly Pom remembered that the VCDs were back in the room he and Pui shared with 10 other guys.

    While learning their stories I knew they lived in an upstairs room provided by the owner of the club, but I had no idea there were quite so many in the same room. тАЬJust how a big a room is this?тАЭ I asked Pui, and he said тАЬoh, not so big, but good enough for us.тАЭ For some reason I thought of a cramped, poorly-ventilated room rather like youтАЩd expect to see in some documentary of sweat shop workers, so I asked more about it. тАЬIt clean, and donтАЩt pay much,тАЭ Pom allowed and Pui said тАЬbut way high, too many stair!тАЭ He feigned an exhausted look, and wiped the back of his hand across his forehead as though he were wiping sweat off. тАЬCareful,тАЭ I thought to myself тАЬif you catch your hand on one of those gelled spikes youтАЩre going to puncture yourself.тАЭ

    тАЬOK?тАЭ Pom asked again тАЬYou OK wait and I go get?тАЭ Pui offered to wait with me.

    I thought for a moment and then asked тАЬHow about if I come with you and see your тАШloom?тАЩ Is that possible? Would you get in trouble with the boss if I did that?тАЭ Pom and Pui exchanged glances; Pom not quite sure what I was asking and the cogs in PuiтАЩs head whirring audibly. тАЬYou show me yours and IтАЩll show you mine,тАЭ I said coyly, feeling clever to be using the double-entendre; but that only necessitated wasting a few minutes explaining it to a puzzled Pui, who then of course tried to explain it to Pom, and in the end it was just a piss into the wind. Vernacular humor rarely translates well.

    They spoke back and forth in Thai for a couple of minutes, alternately looking at me and back between themselves. I think Pom -- as the new kid -- didnтАЩt want to make waves with the boss, but again it was more obvious by his tone that Pui wanted to see the movies, dammit, and was ready to push the issue. тАЬOK, OK,тАЭ Pui said, pulling on my hand and leading me back toward the club area тАЬyou want we try.тАЭ

    Near the club itself we stopped at a small alley between a couple of businesses where the guys seemed pleased to find a short, stocky woman they said was the person in charge. They spoke to her in Thai, Pui as animated as IтАЩd seen him all evening, pouring out the charm to the woman who looked over at me with a scowl, as if I were several government inspectors rolled into one. I did my best to look like just another wilted, sweaty tourist (not much of an effort, if truth be known) and finally Pui won out. The Boss Lady jerked her head off in the direction of the alley and I followed the three of them down about 20 feet and around a corner, Pom smiling over his shoulder somewhat sheepishly at me, and Pui dancing and skipping along, as happy as a child whoтАЩd just won a тАЬcake before dinnerтАЭ argument with his mother.

    тАЬCooking area for boys,тАЭ said Pui dramatically, making a sweeping motion with his hand like a tour guide toward a covered kitchen spot, much like IтАЩd seen in so many country homes. Simple, but efficient. тАЬThis is where you eat?тАЭ I asked, just making conversation to stall while I looked around and tried to discreetly take out my camera. тАЬSometime we cook here, share,тАЭ he explained. I was ready to take a picture, but the others were ready to get moving.

    тАЬCome on, we go in here,тАЭ called Pui, and I saw Boss Lady holding an unmarked door open for me, giving me a mildly impatient look. Pom was already inside, just heading through a storage-type room and nearing the foot of a staircase. I followed into the nearly dark entryway behind Boss Lady and Pui.

    Up the first flight to the second floor I expected to see their room, but there was none. It looked as though the second floor had once been a part of the club below in a previous business incarnation, but I didnтАЩt have time to ask, as the rest were already heading up another flight; Boss Lady just ahead, looking back to check on me as though I was maybe thinking of stealing the mop leaning in a plastic bucket in the corner. It was still nearly dark, and I steadied myself with the railing, pulling myself along while trying to see as much as I could.

    At the third level there was even more of a finished but now unused area, although it was slightly better lit. It looked somewhat like a hotelтАЩs housekeeping station on one side, and there were a few rooms along the hall. тАЬShort time room,тАЭ said Boss Lady, somewhat proudly pointing to a small, dimly-lit room with the requisite small table, bowl of condoms and tube of KY on a nightstand next to a decent-enough looking bed. тАЬFor customer,тАЭ she added, as if I might have thought it was for delivery people to take a short break after dropping of six cases of Chang. тАЬTwo hundred baht, one hour.тАЭ тАЬVery nice,тАЭ I allowed, trying to be gracious but in reality already a bit winded by the stairs. I mopped my face and neck with a handkerchief and hoped we were near the living quarters, too.

    тАЬCome on,тАЭ called Pui, already half a flight of stairs above us. тАЬGood God,тАЭ I called back to him тАЬdo you live on the roof?тАЭ Receiving no answer, I followed Boss Lady up to the fourth floor. There, down a short hall, a door stood open to a well-lit room; a gentle breeze refreshing the stale air of the landing. I slipped off my shoes, adding to a few others outside the door and crowded gently past the Boss Lady in the doorway to enter the room.

    The seven-foot ceiling seemed a bit low for someone of my height, but it certainly wasnтАЩt a problem for the guys. The large dark green and red tiles that covered the floor were both clean and swept dust-free. Indeed, other than a bit of wear on the white painted walls from some previous occupants the quarters were neat and tidy; not at all what youтАЩd expect from nearly a dozen college-aged men all sharing what was really just a large dorm room. The two big windows overlooking the street below were covered with tablecloths but those didnтАЩt do much to keep the sounds of the clubs below or nearby from serenading us with their incessant thumping.

    There were a number of small тАЬwardrobesтАЭ along a couple of walls: each about four and a half feet tall with a tubular metal frame covered with a plastic covering, each with a front panel that could be zipped closed for privacy, although all were open but PomтАЩs. About three feet wide they were just deep enough to allow a hangar to hang on the bar across the inside, and all had an interior top shelf to keep a few personal belongings. Some had framed photos of family inside, some had small hampers for laundry on the bottom, some had towels hanging to dry. There was a large plastic basket of bananas and fruit on top of one and a generous selection of partial bottles of soda, all sporting a decorative straw; Fanta Strawberry seemingly a favorite.

    тАЬSleep here,тАЭ said Pom, proudly standing on his bed. Feigning a mild distaste as he gestured across the room he said тАЬPui sleep over there with other lady boy!тАЭ Pui laughed and jumped to sit crossed-legged on his bed, smiling coyly. Again doing his tour guide routine Pui suddenly jumped up again and began to point to each of the thin mattresses around the room (some no more than a thick moving pad, some regular тАЬwesternтАЭ twin mattresses) and recite the names of each boy who occupied them, doing a running commentary about each that I couldnтАЩt keep up with but one that had Pom laughing like crazy. The Boss just frowned as though they were misbehaving students, but it didnтАЩt seem to faze Pui a bit. I watched with great amusement while also looking around the room, feeling somewhat privileged to be seeing what one tourist in a hundred thousand ever see.

    A few of the boys had pictures taped to the wall above the head of their beds. Much as youтАЩd expect a couple were what IтАЩm fairly certain were тАЬthe folks back home,тАЭ a couple were studio photos of the boy and a girl, a couple were of the boy and another boy and one was of a farang who could easily be a member of this very forum. I pointed to the photo and asked Pui тАЬis this a gay boyтАЩs bed?тАЭ тАЬNo, but the farang good to him and he like him too much,тАЭ he replied, matter-of-factly. I decided to press a bit and asked him тАЬYou mean he likes the farang or the money?тАЭ тАЬSure money!тАЭ Pui laughed that bright laugh of his, his face lighting up тАЬbut he really like farang, also.тАЭ тАЬBut heтАЩs not gay?тАЭ I asked. тАЬNo, but he really like him too much, same same falang, it good.тАЭ I decided to quit while I was ahead and didnтАЩt ask any more about it.

    As I had expected there were several small individual alters with flowers, incense and foodstuffs in addition to a larger one above one of the wardrobes. The faint smell of incense lingered in the room, in addition to a hint of exhaust from the streets four floors below.

    Pui again resumed his commentary on their roommates but Boss Lady said something to him in a somewhat curt tone that made him stop short and say тАЬOK, we go now.тАЭ Pom retrieved the VCDs from under his mattress and came over to me, taking my hand as though I wasnтАЩt going to be able to find my way out of the room alone. Back down the stairs we went, Boss Lady leading the way this time, probably ready to dispense with me and get back out on her rounds. My foot slipped off one of the first tiled stairs and I grabbed the rail to steady myself. тАЬCareful,тАЭ laughed Pui тАЬno room for you get well here!тАЭ and I took it easier the rest of the way down.

    Outside in the alley again Boss Lady looked at me and asked тАЬOK?тАЭ тАЬYes, kup koon krap тАУ thank you very much.тАЭ She stood looking at me and suddenly I got the hint. Reaching into my shirt pocket I pulled out a 50 baht note and handed it to her, thanking her again. She smiled, folded the note into quarters and slipped it into her pocket. She said something to the guys and they laughed and also thanked her as she walked out of the alley ahead of us. The other workers in the alley stared at me wide-eyed, as though IтАЩd just beamed down from another planet. I smiled and followed after Pom and Pui who were already ten feet ahead of me, chattering and laughing on our way to catch the baht bus.

    Wombat : an Australian marsupial that eats,roots and leaves

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran
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    Thailand (couple times a year)

    Re: visiting a gogo boys quarters from Baobao

    Lonely, you're better off posting the link... or at least insert the right code so the images show. Without the photos, the post isn't too interesting.

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran
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    Jul 2006

    Re: visiting a gogo boys quarters from Baobao

    Quote Originally Posted by Beachlover
    Lonely, you're better off posting the link... or at least insert the right code so the images show. Without the photos, the post isn't too interesting.
    Not his fault, Beachlover - I'd removed the images from that March 2008 post myself. Not that there's anything award-winning about them, but I've run across my pictures being used without my permission (or knowledge) and finally decided I'd had enough of that. Watermarking isn't a guarantee, but it slows people down a little.

    I slightly re-worked the piece and put it on the blog (with pics) on March 23rd, some 65-odd posts ago: http://khunbaobao.blogspot.com/2010/03/ ... rised.html

    What I didn't post there was the reply to a follow-up question about the post where someone here asked what happened when we got back to my room:

    Quote Originally Posted by bao-bao
    I hadn't planned on a part 2. I'm no saint but I'm not much for casual sex so it wasn't a three-way or anything that titillating. In fact, since everything of any value in my room was secure I went down and caught up on some writing in the lobby for an agreed length of time and left the two of them to - ahem - take care of their own basic needs while they watched the VCDs. From what I gathered from the sheepish pair afterwards they took turns "flying their kites" with the other waiting in the shower / hong nam in the name of privacy."

  4. #4
    Forum's veteran lonelywombat's Avatar
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    Nov 2005

    Re: visiting a gogo boys quarters from Baobao

    I was not sure what happened to the photos as the post was old, so tried a cut and paste as an experiment. When that did not work decided it was worth leaving as is. As BaoBao is a regular I thought he would come to the rescue.
    Wombat : an Australian marsupial that eats,roots and leaves

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