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Thread: How Long Was It?

  1. #1

    How Long Was It?

    Your relationship with a Thai BF: I'm just curious how long these last, on average. Also curious about who broke it off and the reason for ending it. And of course a big factor is, was it a full time union or a long distance relationship?

    I'm guessing that for most of us, 2 years is about all the time it takes for cross cultural "true love" to dissipate.

  2. #2

    Re: How Long Was It?

    Quote Originally Posted by bobsaigon
    Your relationship with a Thai BF: I'm just curious how long these last, on average. Also curious about who broke it off and the reason for ending it. And of course a big factor is, was it a full time union or a long distance relationship?

    I'm guessing that for most of us, 2 years is about all the time it takes for cross cultural "true love" to dissipate.
    By Thai BF do you mean a 'Brought/Bar Friend' from a bar or a 'Boy Friend' ie someone that you met and got to know without there being any financial agreement/exchange as there is a big, big difference?

  3. #3

    Re: How Long Was It?

    Quote Originally Posted by bobsaigon
    Your relationship with a Thai BF: I'm just curious how long these last, on average. Also curious about who broke it off and the reason for ending it. And of course a big factor is, was it a full time union or a long distance relationship?

    I'm guessing that for most of us, 2 years is about all the time it takes for cross cultural "true love" to dissipate.

    4 years, long distance, Thai broke it because other farang who lives in Thailand ! ( Thai and his farang are still friends )


    2 years, long distance, i broke it because moneyboy to over ! ( i not want to meet him again ).

  4. #4
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    Re: How Long Was It?

    Quote Originally Posted by sanook
    Quote Originally Posted by bobsaigon
    Your relationship with a Thai BF: I'm just curious how long these last, on average. Also curious about who broke it off and the reason for ending it. And of course a big factor is, was it a full time union or a long distance relationship?

    I'm guessing that for most of us, 2 years is about all the time it takes for cross cultural "true love" to dissipate.
    By Thai BF do you mean a 'Brought/Bar Friend' from a bar or a 'Boy Friend' ie someone that you met and got to know without there being any financial agreement/exchange as there is a big, big difference?
    I met one Thai in a bar he wasn't a member of staff just another customer. The rules are usually the same however you meet. In the end Farang pays one way or another. Usually by cash in Thailand and remitances from his country when he goes back. I was with him 3 years. He became like a one armed bandit the more you put in the more you loose. I broke it off.
    Don't try to hold in farts - they travel up your spine and into your brain and that is where shitty ideas come from.

  5. #5

    Re: How Long Was It?

    Quote Originally Posted by allieb
    I met one Thai in a bar he wasn't a member of staff just another customer. The rules are usually the same however you meet. In the end Farang pays one way or another. Usually by cash in Thailand and remitances from his country when he goes back. I was with him 3 years. He became like a one armed bandit the more you put in the more you loose. I broke it off.
    "Usually the same" Yes I would agree if there is a 30, 40 year or even more age difference then it is highly unlikely to be a real two- way street relationship. I think it all depends what you want, with most situations like this it's, let say an exchange of gifts; his youth and looks for your wealth and security.............

  6. #6
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    Re: How Long Was It?

    Quote Originally Posted by sanook
    I think it all depends what you want, with most situations like this it's, let say an exchange of gifts; his youth and looks for your wealth and security.............
    In that case I would say fair exchange is no robbery. I would think that young gay non commercial Thais would be more interested in each other than Farang and the stigma that goes with having a Farang lover. Young gay Farang are not generally attracted to Thailand,they are having too much fun in their own countries. Hence the usual age difference between Farang and Thai .

    Thai boys are greedy and never know when to stop trying to extract money. I ran into old BF this last trip I took him out to dinner 3 times and offerered the hand of a non lover type friendship. I gave him around 15,000 Bhat over the three meetings and considering he had at least 2 Long distance Farang Keeping him I thought that was generous. I knew about the Farang from friends and told him so. I also told him it wasn't my business and don't explain.

    When I returned home I started getting the sick buffalo calls and when I didn't send money it changed to threats of violence against me the next time I came to Thailand. Game over deleted
    Don't try to hold in farts - they travel up your spine and into your brain and that is where shitty ideas come from.

  7. #7

    Re: How Long Was It?

    Quote Originally Posted by allieb
    ...I ran into old BF this last trip I took him out to dinner 3 times and offerered the hand of a non sexual friendship. I gave him around 15,000 Bhat over the three meetings...
    B15,000 for three non-sexual friendly dinner gatherings? Even "if" sex were involved the sum sounds outrageous. You are making us all look bad for paying the usual B1500 ST and B2000 LT. :laughing3:

  8. #8
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
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    Re: How Long Was It?

    You guys attitude towards humans is so weird. Everything is Thais this, Farangs that! If you want a professional relationship with a rent boy, it doesn't matter which race is which! On the other hand if you want a partnership with another human, and one of you is more wealthy than the other, than of course you share your wealth as you do your skills. Each contributes what he can, but the race of the parties involved is still irrelevant.

    Your problems come when the two relationships are confused. The punter relationship can develop into the partner relationship, depending on the people involved. Getting to know your partner takes time and effort together. However if you have never had a relationship of any longstanding in your life, you are starting to build a relationship from a very low level of experience. Equally if you value every experience only by the tangible costs or benefits, you are unlikely to have a soulful relationship!

  9. #9
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    Re: How Long Was It?

    Quote Originally Posted by stockyguy
    Quote Originally Posted by allieb
    ...I ran into old BF this last trip I took him out to dinner 3 times and offerered the hand of a non sexual friendship. I gave him around 15,000 Bhat over the three meetings...
    B15,000 for three non-sexual friendly dinner gatherings? Even "if" sex were involved the sum sounds outrageous. You are making us all look bad for paying the usual B1500 ST and B2000 LT. :laughing3:
    It wasn't quite like,that he stayed over on all three nights and the money was one 5,000 at the start when we met and 10,000 on the last meeting (I was leaving that day ) as a gift to tide him over as he said he had had abnormal expenses to meet that month. I thought I was being a good Samartian. (And BTW with my whores short time I always pay 1,000 and overningt 1,500)
    Don't try to hold in farts - they travel up your spine and into your brain and that is where shitty ideas come from.

  10. #10
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    Re: How Long Was It?

    Quote Originally Posted by allieb
    Young gay Farang are not generally attracted to Thailand,they are having too much fun in their own countries.
    Lots of young gay farang come to Thailand, like lots of straight young farang come. They generally aren't sex tourists though. (Not intending that as a perjorative, just an accurate description)

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