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  1. #1


    Can anyone tell me what is the fee for taking off a boy for long time, 2 weeks, to travel around in Thailand?

  2. #2

    Long time fee

    First make arrangements with the bar and pay his off fee for the time you will be gone. A fair rate would be 1000 a day plus meals and expenses. An occasional shopping trip will help. Make sure you discuss this with the boy and he agrees. Pay him daily so he has money of his own to spend as he likes. If everything goes well and your both happy, a nice tip at the end would be nice but make this a surprise for him so he doesn't expect it.

  3. #3
    but what do I have to pay to the bar owner, if I want to take a boy off for 2 weeks?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by hans030
    but what do I have to pay to the bar owner, if I want to take a boy off for 2 weeks?
    You need to negotiate with the bar.
    Standard would be the off fee every day.
    Some crazy bars will demand the off fee plus the cost of a drink every day on the greedy logic that if you actually did come in every day to take off this boy, you would at least buy one drink.

    If you are lucky, you can make them a lower flat fee offer. Don't count on it.

    If you are really asking WHY you need to pay the bar to take away their boy, think whorehouse. Both the whore and the house must be paid.

    I personally think 1000 baht a day all day is close to sex slave wages. Sure, some will accept it. But you are asking him to give up his REAL LIFE and his friends 24/7. It is not HIS vacation. He is your sexual fantasy you are paying for. Pay more for that. I think 2K is much more fair or perhaps 1500. Of course gifts, meals, expenses don't count towards his wage.

  5. #5
    Forum's veteran TrongpaiExpat's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    Hans: Some Thai boys do not travel very well. Depends on where you going. Many have zero interest in historic sites. Many of the bar boys are on a very late routine and are used to sleeping most of the day. You can take one to a very nice resort hotel and he will sleep half the day and watch TV the other half. They will not be impressed with Western amenities and much prefer a communal meal on the floor with a bunch of friends than eating at some restaurant with tables.

    Most will all jump at the opportunity for multiple off's so you have to be careful in making the right selection. Maybe try a few days first to some local site before going any distance and getting stuck with the wrong boy.
    E Dok Tong

  6. #6
    I agree with Tronpai there in every respect.

    And even if you take care in your selection, the boy is likely to get very BORED very fast. Yes, many would rather give up even a higher rate to escape being bored 24/7. Whats exciting to you often means nothing to him.

    At this point, expect a story about a sick or dead relative and the need for an emergency plane ride home.
    Been there, done that.

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran Wesley's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    USA, Kyrgyzstan , Philippines
    When I took a boy for a month I paid him 500, then at he end of each week I would settle his fee at the Bar, on his usually off days he was just paid extra for that but, he and the bar worked out that deal we did, Chiang Mai Chaing Rai, met his Mom and dad went through the jungles and visited some tourist spots I am sure he had never seen. Saved me a bundle on it as an American the fee and the price go up. If They find out . So, he made all arrangements before they saw me even enter. At the end I bought Him a nice 500 dollar bracelet which he was ashamed to wear in front of his friends. I partied all night and most of the day and he likely slept for a few days after I was gone. I got a call from him once a week after I came home for a long time. I move to the capital and now we have lost touch. He probably is looking more like me as it was almost 7 years ago or more!

    All the Best!


  8. #8
    My 2 week companion got 1500B per day plus the usual shopping trip for clothes and any other nick nacks I saw him eye up. Not however when he subtely guided me towards the mobile phone and jewellery shops. For those I got suddenly tired and had to sit down outside the shop for a rest. He dutifully came to the beach when I wanted to go but I did allow him to suggest places he wanted to go or things he'd like to do in an attempt to alleviate the boredom factor for him. I also treated him and 3 friends to an island trip with the intention of just sitting back on the beach watching them enjoy themselves. The plan was thwarted as we stepped off the boat and the heavens opened and did not relent for 3 hours by which time we headed back to the boat with me thoroughly fed up. Truth be told, he was bored stupid having to be with me the whole time and next time I go I will learn from that and split with my bs for periods and meet up again later.

    Moneywise, he got a bonus at the end and didn't seem to have any objection to his level of earnings during my stay. In 2 weeks he got approx 25000B along with various clothes, trainers and bits and pieces - and I had a great time so I guess we were both happy with the arrangement.

  9. #9
    Forum's veteran Wesley's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    USA, Kyrgyzstan , Philippines
    I might add, I ask him what he wanted and did not haggle with him on price so what he got was really up to him. I went mostly where he wanted to go and did what the wanted to do which was a rich night life and a slow day. he would go home do what ever and meet me back at 7PM. Then it was up to him again where we went for the night and how many boy bars we went to and which ones. If he was bored it was his own fault. I found that 4 or 5 AM was when we usually got in and he partied his cute little ass off. So as much as I am a night person so was he so it worked out fine for us both. When it was a day thing we did, it was up to him when to leave and where to go. If we ventured far away from home visit ted his parents it was usually a bore for me but I tried to make it as nice for him as for me. I appreciated all he did to make me happy and it showed when I had to leave.

    All the Best!


  10. #10

    The question of...

    These threads always are a mine field.
    I have avoided giving my opinion on short and long time 'tips'.
    Its been my view that for as long as there have been forums on Thailand, there have been many, many farangs saying that the guys are paying too much to the boys. It never seems to have any affect whatsoever.
    If your very rich, then what the hell, give a ton to the boy, why not. But we are not all wealthy. So if you don't have unlimited sums of money, you don't have to pay these prices that 'braggards' posting here, say. In fact, just because you read it here, doesn't even mean its true.
    EXAMPLE: A five hundred dollar piece of jewelry. Yeah, sure. Keep your chins up - don't let the bastards get you down.

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