Well I genuinely don't know what you're gonna do then a447 because if BT doesn't interest you any more (or at least that Soi), if Sunee is on its last legs (as it surely is), and if Jomtiem continues to have no gogo but only beer bars which have been described as "all the same" and a hotel/entertainment venue that's been up for sale for months - then it really doesn't augur well for your future enjoyment or for the enjoyment of most others, to be honest.

Take into account that the gay scene in Phuket is a shadow of what it used to be, that CM as a gay centre is (and was always) shite, and that nobody really knows whats going on with the horrendously expensive BKK scene, it leaves only the Soi of Sleaze - featuring Golden Cock and a couple of others.

May as well stay home and spend that £4K holiday trip money on local boys from Grindr etc - the availability of which is often overlooked?