I have been to Taiwan several times, the longest 3 months in 2018 to study Chinese. The gay sauna Soi13in is great, my favorite of over 50 gay saunas all over South-East Asia. But that didn't translate to online dating for me. There are cute boys on the apps, but it is mostly like a black hole, nothing comes back, I message 20 boys and get one reply. For comparison, in 7 days in Yangon I had 8 boys; in 3 months in Taipei I had 5 boys. None of the issues encountered in Thailand (sick grandmother, space-time confusion). I have no idea where this discrepancy to my experiences elsewhere in SEAsia, or other posters reporting from Taiwan, comes from.

The country is a great place for general travel (but I don't like winter which can be cold, and I have never been and will not go during monsoon season) and I will be back for general travel and hiking, but without expectations boy-wise.