Quote Originally Posted by fountainhall View Post
Nirish had an even worse experience!
Indeed I had FH and I remember it well. Probably one of THE worst ever homophobic experiences I've ever had in my life ( and coming from Ireland thats saying something I can tell you) and certainly the worst I've ever experienced when in Thailand. If it hadn't been for the very high chance of ME being the one to get arrested as the holidaying farang as opposed to the loutish ( but police paying off and thus protected ) owner that guy may have encountered a very different outcome that night in his restaurant.

I wonder though in reading the two very different accounts above are you both talking of the same "owner" ?

FH I've no doubt that you're talking about the same old owner that I encountered, but I heard he'd all but retired due to il health perhaps and his son had now taken over ( VERY straight - (but seemingly spends time in Telephone bar Soi 4 more than some of us it seems if I heard correctly and in fact THAT may have been why his father is and was such a homophobic prick).

So I wonder assuming that MFAS / FREQUENT's post is also accurate that was this then the SON who he encountered ( who might be probably late 30s / easily 40s?) ?