Quote Originally Posted by latintopxxx
the whole thing sounds like a real nightmare...you must really love your other half to put u with all this nonsense.
I hear you Latin!
If I was getting myself actually involved in this family drama I'd probably have daily migraines by now.
But ... I keep myself out of the squabbles completely: Pot tells me the latest dope for sure and we talk about it and I give some opinions, but just to him. I wouldn't get myself mixed up in this stuff in a million years. The whole family ~ including Tuan Tong ~ seems to like me well enough on some levels, and I want to keep it that way: they are, for the most part, a pretty laid back group.

Luckily we live in Hua Hin, about 300 miles from Ground Zero. He's happy to be here, away from the drama, and so am I.

Tuan Tong has now disappeared somewhere ... hidden away in Bangkok I think, keeping a low profile. So his lack of presence in Nang Mut has calmed the waters considerably and Pot has not had as much as a phone call from him since August.
Tuan Tong actually sucker-punched Pot in the head in that month and the ensuing boxing match ~ the police were involved ~ seemed to have been the straw which broke the family's respect for him.

The 'nonsense' as you call it is simply something-of-interest to me ... a kind of TV soap opera which I watch, comment upon on occasion, have written this post about, but keep myself well away from.

Quote Originally Posted by bao-bao
" ... Tong's unfortunate habits aside he was a gracious host, and every one of the family I met leads me to believe you've been very lucky to have been taken into their circle ... "
He is that Bao Bao. I had forgotten that you had met him on that trip of yours.
One night, about a year ago, we arrived at his house rather unannounced. His wife made us dinner (I brought the booze) and we sat around for an hour or two while Tuan Tong gave me ~ in english ~ the entire opening spiel from Amway! He wanted to get Pot involved in it (good luck! I thought to myself) and he tried selling me seven different types of cleaning supplies. (This new career, along with a dozen other Tuan Tong 'life episodes', lasted about 2 months).
He's far from a stupid man ... but he is the quintessential Thai "Player", or as the Thais say it, a master "Sweet Talker".
He just can't stop himself.