Quote Originally Posted by stevehadders
Previous gogo bar friends I have known have bought a farm, opened Internet shop;opened hair salon; opened small restaurant in their home town
Or opened beer bar / massage shop of course and the only thing I would add to that is I too know many boys who have opened exactly the same businesses, the only difference being when I said "they" opened it I meant of course their particular farang BF de jour, who of course they "loved" dearly - until they didn't, then that particular farang disappears from their lives as if he never existed and the boy carries on with his business quite happily without him.

To be fair to the boys I guess some would claim "oh BF he leave me and go back home" which could well be true, but I also know enough about some of the cases ( and know the farang) where that may not have been the case and the boy was all sweetness and light until said farang was no longer of use (financially) and then it was a gentle bye bye and a parting of the ways on the boys part.

So for any unsuspecting farang about to shell out to open any of the above make sure you're going in with your eyes wide open as the last farang friend I know to do that opened a lovely, quite expensive Internet cafe in Koh Samui for his BF, only once it was all up and running for him to be left almost standing in the street with nothing himself afterwards - and the worst was his BF ran it into the ground as he found it to much like hard work getting up in the mornings to open up etc ( like just how hard can sitting in any Internet cafe all day be ! :-(

Actually on that very point - and to try to ensure a balance of views perhaps, does any board member have any knowledge or personal experience perhaps where they or their friends maybe did set up a boy in business and how that worked out in the end - did the boy make a go of it, is the business still trading, are they still friends / BFs or whatever ? Might be interesting to hear about ?