Quick update - we had a fine day in Vientiane so at 6pm I went for a stroll along the waterfront. Supposedly there are guys lurking there waiting for a hook-up. I wandered up and down a couple of times but didn't see anyone. After dinner I went to the fountain, another claimed pickup place, but I was only approached by a girl (transvestite??)
I then went back to the GQ bar last night to drool over Pon, the barman. Once again, he sat with me (on the other side of the bar, for safety's sake I guess!) but did stroke my arm a couple of times. He has the most beautiful smile. While chatting to him, a Chinese guy came in and sat with me. We started talking. Suddenly his hands were all over me. He reached inside the leg of my shorts and grabbed my cock! I explained that I wasn't really into public sex (especially when the lights are on!) so he wrote down his hotel room number then left. He is staying at the hotel right opposite the bar. He has been working in Laos 10 years. I asked Pon if this guy was a moneyboy and he said he didn't think so. BTW he looked to be in thirties. No, I didn't take up his offer. The bar then filled up with screaming ladyboys who pounced about on stage and lip-synched. It was horrible.
If you are ever in Vientiane, you must go see the Patuxai arch. It would have to be the UGLIEST tourist attraction in the world. It even has a sign on it calling it a "concrete monster." I love their honesty here!