Couple of weeks ago, i went to CHiangrai. All the way to the Burmese border.

Are there any gay spots there? My only experience was when my guide brought me and my friends to the top of the hill overlooking burma...something like a temple ground....

anyway, it was nighttime.. and i took a walk. I walked over to the corner and behind the bush i saw a cute thai guy sitting alone. I wondered what he was doing there alone... is the place some kind of cruising place? Anyways i approached him... but he spoke barely no english at all.... but i could figured out...he asked which hotel i stayed and i came with who...

i place my hands on his thighs..and he didnt say anyhting... i showed him some gestures that i was cold.. and opened his jacket and touched his

then i saw my friends... searching for me.. so i had to leave him..and my fun.. lol

thats abt it... apart from that... its kinda boring.. heee

any places to recommend there? i might go again.