That is a question for some of the Bangkok regulars such as Homiturn, in fact I would say he has a better knowlege of this as well as Mr. O'Booze to commnet on this. It would be worth your time to PM them both. I am not sure what a key word would be to do a search and they have it of the top of thier heads. If the decription of Homiturn is correct that is all he has on top of his head. I would also check for the brown lips syndrome, since he is generally mentioned as sitting on guys faces. I can't imagin asking them to do that and not return the favor.

I can tell you, the guys are out side the bar for a reason and its usally they can't pass a drug test or have other moral problems , or some have just gotten to old to make it any more. but you are safe or, safer with a guy you off in the a bar than the street guys.
