The time has come for me to depart Thailand. My reasons being:

1. The heat and humidity are killing me. I thought that over time I would aclimatize... I have not. I'm tired of having to take 3, 4 or even 5 showers a day. I'm tired of being hot and sweaty all day, every day. I'm fat and I'm diabetic and I just can't take it any more.

2. I don't want to work FOR Thai people any more. I have no problem working WITH Thai people but working FOR them drives me CRAZY. They have no concept of how to manage foreigners in the work place. Their way of circuitus communication is supposed to decrease conflicts but it usually only serves to create confusion. Their insistance that I wear a long sleved shirt and neck tie when it is 36C out with 97% humidity to work every day is unreasonable. Their management style is usually such that you don't work WITH a Thai manager... you work FOR a Thai manager and they expect you to be like the Thais and never express your opinion or disagree with them on anything, just shut up and do what you are told to do. Don't think too much... don't think at all. I've done it for 3 years now and I'm finished. Thailand is a great place to visit, it's even a great place to live if you can get used to the weather and you don't have to work here; But Thailand is a TERRIBLE place to have to work.

I've accepted a teaching position at a university in Mexico City. Mexico City is 7000 feet above sea level and in the desert so it's cooler with little or no humidity at all. Yes, terrible pollution but I'll be in the northern part of the city and it can't be much worse than I've had living here in Sathorn, downtown Bangkok.

I wish you all good luck, happiness and safe adventures. I'll check in now and then and will be back for holidays at times.

Wish me luck,
