Recently did the rounds of the Pattaya bars and with the Olympics coming soon below is in my opinion the top 3 worst bars in reverse order:

3. The Birdcage:

Arrived at this place at a time when it should of been at its' busiest.
Instead no customers, and like a funeral parlour with a few disillusioned boys prone on seating, starting to rouse themselves when they saw us: too late ....we left.
Surely on its' last legs, RIP.
Bronze medal (out of sympathy)

2. Dynamite:

Up the stairs to find a motly collection of ugly and totally uninteresting boys, most of whom looked like they would be prefer to be back in their rooms Yabaa-ing with their girl friends.
What a waste of time!
Silver medal.

1. BBB:

What idiot decided to change the seating so that the centre of this hole has punters looking at customers rather than the stage?!
Mind you those on the stage look like aged gorilla's trying to be macho but really showing they are fed up and bored.
What with drinks starting at the rediculous price of 150/160 baht, never again.
Formerly this 'institution' is now down right awful:

Wins the Gold.