I heard that the Rachada Gay discos last night decided to enforce early the no smoking laws. The staff got very aggressive with anyone who lit up and goose steeped the offender to the door or that that called frog walking? They were checking the hong nhams too. Some tried lighting up outside and then cupped the lit butt in the hand and sneak back in, they got busted.

Thai TV is running adds telling everyone that the fine is 2000 B for smoking in a bar/disco etc. and is in effect from the 11th.

I on the other hand was over at soi Twilight last night and the ban has not taken hold there yet, I came home smelling of smoke.

I asked if Dick's Cafe is going smoke free and got conflicting answers. Outside no, inside with door open yes, no, maybe and not sure were the responses.

Maybe they will need to install some smoke detectors.