Quote Originally Posted by Brad the Impala
There are remedies for short term memory loss, I just can't remember any of them at the moment!
Yes, and didn't your mother tell you that masturbating is a cause of memory loss? :bounce:

What Cat previously wrote was:
similes have posted many times about his love affair with his hand
I'd like to to see that - "similes with one hand". Possibly this runs alongside George's "casting aversions" (which also involved Smiles - it must be his lucky day)

Quote Originally Posted by Brad the Impala
... a gratuitously offensive comment, based on nothing less than a fevered imagination
Nothing more, shurely?

Quote Originally Posted by Brad the Impala
You and your nemesis are dragging this board into the gutter.
Along with the well-known Cornucopia, perhaps?

Entertaining though this is, for those of us who like people getting very po-faced and making complete fools of themselves, could you liven it up by less name-calling and more inventive insults, Brad?