Quote Originally Posted by colmx View Post
As MFAS points out the location is far from Sunee and way off any baht bus routes, so be prepared to spend plenty on Mocy taxis... for a 30 day stay that could build up to a significant outlay.

The rooms look pretty awful and the "swimming pool" looks more like large plunge pool. With a name like "Ben and Lek" I'm guessing its run by a farang and his Thai GF, which would lead me to suspect that it might not be all that gay friendly, unless Mr.Ben and his friends are open minded. I also think that your potential Thai joiners may not be impressed by your lodgings, which may lead to a less than stellar performance.

Not sure what rate they are charging or whether your reservation is refundable, but you would be better off staying somewhere closer to the action and if budget is an issue maybe try Yensabai Condo?
I don’t see how the Thai joiners performance would have anything to do with the place he’s staying at.