First time here for Songkran. Just interested to post some experiences.
I was on a baht bus into pattaya. An older gay asian couple sat opposite me. As the bus stopped in traffic a girl threw water into the bus, wetting the couple. They laughed. Then four Indian men boarded and sat beside them. They were young but very fat with beady eyes - like predators planning a hunt. The bus stopped in traffic opposite the VC hotel and we were attacked. Dozens of Thais and young tourists sprayed the inside of the bus with water guns and threw buckets of ice water over the passengers. The indians screamed and the gay couple crossed to lean over me because I was on the dry side. It did no good they were still soaked. However they covered me and I was mostly dry. The biggest fattest Indian was screaming because he was the biggest target, but he was afraid to get off the bus. When the bus started to move again he took off his shirt swearing and exposing his huge belly. He squeezed the shirt and litres of water came from it. I pressed the bell for my stop to go to Tukcom and he rushed off the bus and ran away. I am still laughing