As I said clearly, barring cancer and a few other major issues, health care in Thailand is cheap and quality to begin with - so what's the issue? I know many older ex-pats here who are here specifically because of the low cost of healthcare in comparison to their home country. Example: An American in Khon Kaen recently had a heart attack. He was rushed to the hospital and survived - needed to have heart surgery - had it done at a private hospital and recovery was about three weeks. All told, the bill came to 150,000 baht (less than $5,000 USD). Most health insurance policies in America today cost more than than just for the premium, before your copays and deductibles.

Beyond that, many health insurance companies will continue to provide coverage provided that you have a policy issued before the age of 65. An example is the policy I have with Russell Williams, and others I know who are with Cigna Global. So, older ex pats can continue with health insurance if they plan ahead. Again - it is personal preference. I still know many people who will argue that the healthcare in Thailand sucks. You can't convince them otherwise - so to them, my recommendation would be to stay away. For the sensible person, however, that should not be a reason to not live here. If you don't enjoy the lifestyle year round, then that would be enough to live somewhere else in my humble opinion.