Love and Marriage go together as the song says but what about Love and Business (gay and straight) in Thailand?

No need to repeat here the countless horror stories involving foreigners in business with their thai wives.

I have personally seen a number of gay "farang" bar owners being wiped out by their thai lover-come-manager-co-owner- whatever.

There's an old saying that goes "seldom give advice" but if a prospective farang asked me for my advice on going into business with his boyfriend I would advise him to keep the boy for the bedroom and love and hire staff to run the business.

If he was determined to go ahead anyway I would advise him not to put vital items such as leases, licenses, bank accounts etc into the lover's name.

There should be no problem with this in any case because real love never doubts or questions.
In fact it trumps all difficulties.

What advice would you guys give?