After two nights of celibacy, I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be back here! Nine days of unbridled sex to look forward to!

I was taking a nap when I got a knock on the door around 5 pm. I opened the door and there he was. That gorgeous smile almost had me on my knees (a position I actually found myself in a little later.) He came in and gave me a hug and a kiss. I resisted the temptation to ravish him on the spot - a bit unseemly, I thought, even for me - so we sat down and chatted. And chatted. For a couple of hours.

I could see he wanted to ask me something, but seemed reluctant to broach the subject on his mind. He asked me if it was ok to talk about anything at all, considering we've spent so much time together and gotten to know each other very well. I assured him that yes, it was perfectly ok, especially given the fact that during my last trip he opened up and told me all about himself and his life as a gogo boy over the years. Very interesting, although there were a couple of things I didn't really want to hear.

He wants a car.

WTF?? Is he asking me to buy him a car? Have I misjudged him? Is he just another greedy moneyboy out to milk me for as much as he can? Surely not. I was devastated.

But there is a god afterall. I hadn't misjudged him at all. He didn't, in fact, want me to buy him a car. He didn't even want me to help him with a "donation." He was planning to pay for it himself.

He then asked me of I was considering finding someone else down the track. I assured him that he would be the only guy I would be seeing whenever I came to Pattaya. He then showed me his bank statement - he'd managed to save a substantial amount. We added my contribution to his finances during this holiday and reached a final figure. He was close to being able to afford the car of his dreams.

I asked him if he wanted me to make up the difference, but no, he had another idea. He knows that I come here 4 times a year to see him, so I still had 2 more trips to go this year. Could I give him an advance, and then not pay for sex for the rest of the year?

I said no.

And his reaction was exactly what I expected.

"No problem. I can wait. And I can save more money."

Then with a cheeky smile he said, "Well, at least I tried!" and we had a bit of a laugh. No tantrums, no despondent looks.

The reason I declined is because I'm thinking of giving Thailand a miss for the rest of the year and heading off to Europe or America for a change. No use for paying for sex if you are not going to get it. And he also knows that if he wants money, he has to work for it.

Having said that, if I were actually living here full-time, I'd buy him a car at the drop of a hat. That's how highly I think of him. He's one of the perhaps only 3 gogo boys I've met over all these years who I'd do that for.

And it's not because he is handsome and has a big cock and fucks me into submission every night. That's just a bonus. It's because he's just such a "nice" guy. And I only ever spend time with nice people.

He's reserved, unusually shy for a gogo boy, incredibly polite and has a great sense of humour. He's just fun to be around all the time. And most of the time we spend together does not involve having sex. If I were straight, I'd definitely want him to be my friend. If I were closer to his age, he'd be the perfect boyfriend.

Around 8:30 he took a shower, as he was covered in red powder. He then lay naked on the bed and asked if I wanted sex. I suggested we go out for a bit and then come back for some fun.

We headed off the Sunny Boys. OMG! It was dead! One customer and around 8 gogo boys. I'm used to standing room only, so it was quite a shock. Apparently, a lot of guys were out partying.

So we moved to Eros. Basically the same, although they did have a few more customers. One guy came over and sat next to me and asked me if I'd chuck-wow him. As we were about to leave, I declined but told him I'd come back tonight and I can chuck-wow him then if he wants.

Back in the room something unusual happened. Normally after fucking me, he rolls over and I chuck-wow him but tonight, for the first time ever, he came inside me. He sheepishly apologised, but explained he couldn't control himself. Not unusual for young guys, of course.

I was disappointed, as I'd been so looking forward to getting my hand on that monster.

"Mai pen rai," I said with a smile. There's always this afternoon.