Seems some people are playing some nasty tricks on the Thai guys. First it was Pattaya. After hanging out with a guy for a while, he pulled out a South Korean note with a value of 5000 asking what it was worth in Thai baht. I fired up my iPhone and looked it up and found it was valued at about 150 baht. Immediately you could see the guys face show sadness, embarrassment and sorrow. He told me he was given the money as a tip. He asked me to check again and wanted to know if I was sure. I assured him I did everything right and suggested he go to an exchange booth and ask advice. We went to the Exchange booth and he came away even more down depressed then when he first learned the low value of the note.

At another time in Pattaya a guy showed me a US note valued at $10,000. He wanted to know if it was valuable. I looked at it and told him it was fake. The same thing happened in Bangkok. A guy showed me another $10,000 USD note and I had to tell him it was fake. He didn't want to take my word for it even when I showed him the word non-negotiable on it and then use my English to Thai translation app to translate it for him. He just carefully folded it back up and put it in a secure area back in his wallet.

I don't know what people are thinking when they give the guys fake money but it is only hurting feeling and making them feel hurt and silly.