I am looking back on my last trip being that my next trip is only a few weeks away. On my last trip I tended to ask some of the bar guys who flirted with me what their expected tip would be and some of their answers almost made me spit out the 320 Baht beer I was nursing for the past hour! I first thought they believed I had lots of cash and was going to the bathroom often to count my money over and over. In reality, I was getting up and going to the bathroom when the sex performers or breakdancers were about to crawl the crowd looking for tips! (Sorry Christian, going to the bathroom when tips are due, this is mine and you can't use this when you go to the bars... Patent Pending!) Also beware, some of those bathroom have Tip trolls in there. After you do all the work of pulling out your junk to take a pee or flushing the toilet after depositing the 50 baht worth of street food in the bowl. They stand there and hand you a tiny towel and for that tiny bit of work they want a tip! :-o

Another bathroom tip for Christian. If a bathroom has 2 ply tissue paper, take an empty roll with you and roll one ply of the tissue onto your roll and take it back home with you and you saved yourself 30 baht!

Anyway..... After going to a different bar and being quoted a high tip price... And that quote was before I even hid in the bathroom to avoid a tip... I was sure there was a reason for the high cost and after waking up this morning and looking in the mirror I discovered the reason.

Quasimoto surcharge. (~~)