Anyone got experience, knowledge or understanding around Thai culture in this area?

If you're going to ask your Thai boyfriend to marry you, is it...

(a) a compulsory must

(b) good manners

(c) a good thing to do, or

(d) unnecessary and not needed

... to ask his parents first?

My BF's family are Bangkokians, part Chinese part Thai and fairly progressive and broad-minded in their thinking. Really nice, generous, genuine people. He sort of came out to his parents (though I think they already knew and assumed) in the process of introducing me to them and they have become quite close to me so we get along well and it's easy for me to talk to them.

I realise the answer to this question is going to vary, depending on which segment of Thai society you're dealing with, but am happy and interested to hear about whatever experiences or insight you have to share. :happy7: