Hi ive just got back from my recent trip to Pattaya on Monday and thought i would share a few moments with you all.
I used Eva Air from London and was very happy with the Business class cabin and only paid ┬г 1150 for the ticket which i only purchased the day before so that was a result. Got to Bkk after being kept an extra hour circling over Bkk. I had the Ambience car waiting for me so that was nice to see when i exited the Customs hall. The trip to Pattaya was uneventfull so i got to the Ambience about 18:00 which was good going. Checked into my Supperior room and showered and then was ready for my look arround tour to see all the changes.
Headed for Sunnie plaza first as i was keen to get myself some food and i knew that i always enjoy White Nights selection of goodies. I had a walk up past ozone gogo and got level with Bar Filou and a boy appeared and asked if i wanted to have a drink and he pointed out to me he was a free lancer and didnt work for the bar. I said give me an hour for a look aout and some food and i would be back. The Boy was lovely looking and was a month away from his 19th Birthdat as his id certified ( i checked at a later time that evening). Well the Boy was very supprissed when an hour latter i re-appeared, as he must have thought he wouldnt see me again. To cut the story short he came with me and spent the next 11 nights with me untill i returned, and in fact got an e-mail from him today.
My thoughts about the areas:- Sunnee i found nice as usual and met Chris ( American Teacher ) from Niddys Nook for the first time and found him and his bar very plessant, sorry i missed you the next 2 times i called but you were out somwhere.
I found too the small gogo bar Ozone a real nice little bar and though only about 9 boys there i had a great time with no pressure from the boys and even my Thai friend found the bar nice.
As usual the guys Jack and Ralph at Memmories Bar were great company and its always nice to call in there. The new Corner bar i found pleasant but a little dead so one drink moved me on from there. The gogo bars were pretty much the same as last year so only a brief visit was enough.
Boystown :- Always my favourite place for the evening. Spent a few late nights in the Cafe Royale before going to bed and loved the Lady singer theyve got in on Sunday Nights. I visited all the Gogo bars but as usual i soon get borred with them so mainly kept to the beer bars. I found Sawadee bar clossed and only got to go there on the Saturday night before i left, so i missed out in meeting any more of you guys. Well the 11 days soon went but had a great time and was soon heading back to London in the Morning of sunday 7th. As always a great stay at Ambience Hotel, as my trips are nearly all short i like to pay the little extra over guest houses and stay there. The Staff always are great and Jim too is a great host.
Dont know my next trip but got a credit card to sort out first, still trip worth every penny.