Does anyone else find some of the things Thai boys say and the way they say them in Tinglish (Thai-style English) really cute?

Here's a couple:

- "Ah, you ting too much" (this phrase is mentioned so much on this board but I have only heard this once from a boy in Sydney)

- "Now laining too much"

- "Him friend me"

- "Him drinking too much"

- "Grood lurk"

- "Have a nite tree"

- "What you thinking?"

- "Him say you han-sam"

I was having a meal with a Thai boy. We both ordered a coconut shake... when they brought it out, his had this big purple flower on it and mine didn't. He quickly noticed this and said,

- "Eh? Why yours not have flower?"

- "Hahaha"....

- "[looking annoyed at the waiter] What he thinking !?" (takes the flower out with an annoyed look... LOL)

The best one I've had was in bed with one bit of anatomy inserted into the other:

I asked - "Are you ok?"

He replied - "I very ok!" [Big smile]

Adorable LOL...